"This practical, thorough book on conducting effective marketresearch comes from the person who has more professional experiencelistening to donors than anyone I know. Bruce Campbell has writtena book that will be a very helpful resource for fundraisers andnonprofit executives who want to understand their donors andcommunicate with them profitably." (Christopher Cleghorn, executivevice president for database enterprises, Easter Seals)<br /> <br /> "I've been waiting for this book for a long time. Finally, BruceCampbell guides us through the mysteries and the mumbo-jumbo ofsurvey research and statistical analysis. If you want to understandwhy your donors aren't giving as much as you think they should--andif you're looking for ways to persuade them to increase theirgiving--this outstanding book will tell you how." (Mal Warwick,chairman of Mal Warwick & Associates, Inc., and author of TheFive Strategies for Fundraising Success)<br /> <br /> "It is critical to the growth of any nonprofit that it learn whoits donors are, what attitudes they hold, and how to motivate them.This book, based on Bruce Campbell's years of hands-on experiencewith a score of successful nonprofits, is full of solid directionregarding how nonprofits can better listen to their donors andother constituents toward this end." (Martin Lonsdale, vicepresident of marketing, World Vision)<br /> <br /> "With laser-like efficiency, Bruce Campbell applies the highlyfocused approach of a researcher to the tailored needs of nonprofitdecision makers. He has compiled years of valuable experience intothis handy book on tapping into the heart and soul of donors. Nononprofit manager should go without it." (E. Dale Berkey,president, Berkey Brendel Sheline)