The Legends in Consumer Behavior series captures the essence of the most important contributions made in the field of consumer behavior in the past several decades. It reproduces the seminal works of legends in the field, which are supplemented by interviews of these legends as well as by the opinions of other scholars about their work. The series comprises various sets, each focusing on the multiple ways in which a legend has contributed to the field. This fourth set in the series, consisting of six volumes, is a tribute to James R. Bettman, one of the most prolific contemporary consumer behavior and marketing scholars. James R. Bettman is Burlington Industries Professor of Business Administration at the Fuqua School of Business and Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Duke University. He received his BA (Mathematics-Economics) and PhD (Administrative Sciences) from Yale University. Prior to his appointment at Duke, he was on the faculty at UCLA. His research focuses on consumer information processing and decision making, particularly constructive preferences, how decision makers adapt to different situations, effects of emotion and stress on decision making, the role of nonconscious processes in consumer behavior, and how people use consumption in forming identities. His publications include two books, An Information Processing Theory of Consumer Choice and The Adaptive Decision Maker, and a monograph, Emotional Decisions: Tradeoff Difficulty and Coping in Consumer Choice. His research papers (over 120) appear in journals in marketing, consumer research, psychology, management, and neuroscience. He is a member of the editorial review boards for the Journal of Consumer Research and Journal of Consumer Psychology, is an associate editor for the Journal of Marketing Research, and has previously served as co-editor for the JCR, and also as an editor of its monographs. Bettman has been recognized for his PhD mentorship throughout his career, receiving the Duke University Dean’s Award for Excellence in Mentoring in 2006. He has chaired or co-chaired 40 PhD committees at Fuqua and UCLA. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, the American Psychological Society, and the Association for Consumer Research. The series is edited by Jagdish N. Sheth who is the Charles H. Kellstadt Professor of Marketing in the Goizueta Business School at Emory University, Georgia, U.S.A. He is the Past President of the Association for Consumer Research, as well as Division 23 (Consumer Psychology) of the American Psychological Association. He is also a Fellow of APA. Professor Sheth is the co-author of the Howard-Sheth Theory of Buyer Behavior, a classic in consumer behavior published in 1969. This set includes: Volume 1: Consumer Information Processing: Decision Making Edited by: John G. Lynch, Jr. Volume 2: Consumer Information Processing: Marketing Applications Edited by: Mita Sujan Volume 3: Adaptive Decision Making Edited by: John W. Payne Volume 4: Emotion, Adaptive Decision Making and Consumer Behavior Edited by: Mary Frances Luce Volume 5: Recent Work on Consumer Information Processing Edited by: Itamar Simonson Volume 6: Attitude, Identity, and Influence Edited by: Jennifer E. Escalas
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The Legends in Consumer Behavior series captures the essence of the most important contributions made in the field of consumer behavior in the past several decades. It reproduces the seminal works of legends in the field, which are supplemented by interviews of these legends as well as by the opinions of other scholars about their work.
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Appendix of Sources
Series Introduction - Jagdish N. Sheth
Set Introduction - Jagdish N. Sheth
Volume Introduction – Consumer Information Processing: Decision Making - John Lynch
Literature Reviews / Consumer Psychology / Consumer Decision Making - E.J. Johnson and J.W. Payne
Memory Factors in Consumer Choice: A Review
Consumer Information Acquisition and Search Strategies
Consumer Information Processing: What a Long, Strange Trip It′s Been
Decision Nets
Information Processing Models of Consumer Behavior
The Structure of Consumer Choice Processes
A Graph Theory Approach to Comparing Consumer Information Processing Models
Toward a Statistics for Consumer Decision Net Models
Decision Net Models of Buyer Information Processing and Choice: Findings, Problems, and Prospects
Decision Processes
Effects of Information Presentation Format on Consumer Information Acquisition Strategies - P. Kakkar
Information Format and Choice Task Effects in Decision Making - M. Zins
Constructive Processes in Consumer Choice - M. Zins
Implications of a Constructive View of Choice for Analysis of Protocol Data: A Coding Scheme for Elements of Choice Processes - C. W. Park
Effects of Prior Knowledge and Experience and Phase of the Choice Process on Consumer Decision Processes: A Protocol Analysis - C.W. Park
A Functional Analysis of the Role of Overall Evaluation of Alternatives in Choice Processes
Perspectives of Other Scholars - Peter Wright, Joe Alba, Dipankar Chakravarti
John Lynch interviews - James R. Bettman
Volume Editor - Mita Sujan
Appendix of Sources
Series Introduction - Jagdish N. Sheth
Set Introduction - Jagdish N. Sheth
Volume Introduction – Consumer Information Processing: Marketing Applications - Mita Sujan
Perceived Risk
Perceived Risk and Its Components: A Model and Empirical Test
Information Integration in Consumer Risk Perception: A Comparison of Two Models of Component Conceptualization
Policy Implications
Issues in Designing Consumer Information Environments
Cognitive Considerations in Designing Effective Labels for Presenting Risk Information - John W. Payne and R. Staelin
Relationship of Information Processing Attitude Structures to Private Brand Purchasing Behavior
Effects of Framing on Evaluation of Comparable and Noncomparable Alternatives by Expert and Novice Consumers - Mita Sujan
The Effects of Brand Positioning Strategies on Consumers′ Brand and Category Perceptions: Some Insights from Schema Research - Mita Sujan
Attributions about Performance and Price-Quality Perceptions
Attributions in the Board Room: Causal Reasoning in Corporate Annual Reports - B.A. Weitz
Sampling Data for Covariation Assessment: The Effect of Prior Beliefs on Search Patterns - D. Roedder John, and C.A. Scott
Covariation Assessment by Consumers - D. Roedder John, and C.A. Scott
Covariation Assessment in Rank Order Data - E.H. Creyer, D. Roedder John, and C.A. Scott
Information Processing and Selling
Effects of Consumer Expectations on Information Processing in Selling Encounters - M. Sujan and H. Sujan
Knowledge Structure Differences Between More Effective and Less Effective Salespeople - H. Sujan and M. Sujan
Perspectives of Other Scholars - Kevin Keller, Debbie John, Bob Meyer
Mita Sujan Interviews - James R. Bettman
Interview of James R. Bettman - Mita Sujan
Volume Editor - John Payne
Appendix of Sources
Series Introduction - Jagdish N. Sheth
Set Introduction - Jagdish N. Sheth
Volume Introduction – Adaptive Decision Making - John Payne
Conceptual Frameworks
The Adaptive Decision Maker: Effort and Accuracy in Choice - J.W. Payne, and E.J. Johnson
Behavioral Decision Research: A Constructive Processing Perspective - J.W. Payne, and E.J. Johnson
The Use of Multiple Strategies in Judgment and Choice - J.W. Payne, and E.J. Johnson
An Information Processing Perspective on Choice - J.W. Payne, E.J. Johnson and M. F. Luce
Behavioral Decision Research: An Overview - J.W. Payne and M. F. Luce
A Constructive Process View of Decision Making: Multiple Strategies in Judgment and Choice - J.W. Payne, E. Coupey, and E.J. Johnson
Processes of Adaptivity in Decision Making
Adaptive Strategy Selection
Information Displays and Preference Reversals - E.J. Johnson and J.W. Payne
Adaptive Strategy Selection in Decision Making - J.W. Payne, and E.J. Johnson
Adapting to Time Constraints - E.J. Johnson and J.W. Payne
A Componential Analysis of Cognitive Effort in Choice - E.J. Johnson and J.W. Payne
Understanding Contingent Choice: A Computer Simulation Approach - J.W. Payne, E.J. Johnson, and E. Coupey
The Impact of Accuracy and Effort Feedback and Goals on Adaptive Decision Behavior - E.H. Creyer, and J.W. Payne
Correlation, Conflict, and Choice - E.J. Johnson, M. F. Luce, and J.W. Payne
When Time is Money: Decision Behavior Under Opportunity-Cost Time Pressure - J.W. Payne and M. F. Luce
Perspectives of Other Scholars - Ziv Carmon, Eric Johnson, Jonathan Levav
John Payne Interviews - James R. Bettman
Interview of James R. Bettman - John Payne
Volume Editor - Mary Frances Luce
Appendix of Sources
Series Introduction - Jagdish N. Sheth
Set Introduction - Jagdish N. Sheth
Volume Introduction –Emotion, Adaptive Decision Making and Consumer Behavior - Mary Frances Luce
Conceptual Frameworks
Constructive Consumer Choice Processes - M. F. Luce and J.W. Payne
The Impact of Emotional Tradeoff Difficulty on Decision Behavior - M. F. Luce and J.W. Payne
Minimizing Negative Emotion as a Decision Goal: Investigating Emotional Trade-off Difficulty - M. F. Luce and J.W. Payne
The Emotional Nature of Decision Trade-Offs - M. F. Luce and J.W. Payne
The Decision Maker Who Came In from the Cold
Emotion and Adaptive Strategy Selection
Choice Processing in Emotionally Difficult Decisions - M. F. Luce and J.W. Payne
Emotional Trade-off Difficulty and Choice - M. F. Luce and J.W. Payne
Coping with Unfavorable Attribute Values in Choice - M. F. Luce and J.W. Payne
Attribute Identities Matter: Subjective Perceptions of Attribute Characteristics - M. F. Luce and J.W. Payne
Sources of Consumers’ Stress and Their Coping Strategies - H. Sujan, M. Sujan, and T. Verhallen
Effects of Discrete Emotions on Consumer Behavior
Appraising the Appraisal-Tendency Framework - L. A. Cavanaugh, M. F. Luce, and J. W. Payne
The Effects of Nonconsciously Priming Emotion Concepts on Behavior - Y. Zemack-Rugar, and G. Fitzsimons
Hope, Pride, and Processing During Optimal and Nonoptimal Times of Day - L. A. Cavanaugh, K. M. Cutright, and M. F. Luce
Perspectives of Other Scholars - Barbara Kahn, Punam Keller
Mary Frances Luce Interviews - James R. Bettman
Interview of - James R. Bettman by Mary Frances Luce
Volume Editor Itamar Simonson
Appendix of Sources
Series Introduction - Jagdish N. Sheth
Set Introduction - Jagdish N. Sheth
Volume Introduction – Recent Work on Consumer Information Processing by Itamar Simonson
Conceptual Frameworks
Consumer Decision Making: A Choice Goals Approach - M. F. Luce and J.W. Payne
Measuring Constructed Preferences: Towards a Building Code - J. W. Payne, and D. A. Schkade
Preference Construction and Preference Stability: Putting the Pillow to Rest - M. F. Luce and J.W. Payne
Games, Unconscious Thought, and Neural Mechanisms
Biased but Efficient: An Analysis of Coordination Facilitated by Asymmetric Dominance - W. Amaldoss, and J. W. Payne
Boundary Conditions on Unconscious Thought in Complex Decision Making - J. W. Payne, A. Samper, and M. F. Luce
Separate Neural Mechanisms Underlie Choices and Strategic Preferences in Risky Decision Making - V. Venkataraman, J.W. Payne, M. F. Luce, and S. A. Huettel
Intertemporal Preferences
Discounting Time and Time Discounting: Subjective Time Perception and Intertemporal Preferences - G. Zauberman, B. Kyu Kim, and Selin A. Malkoc
Unstuck from the Concrete: Carryover Effects of Abstract Mindsets in Intertemporal Preferences - Selin A. Malkoc and G. Zauberman
Perspectives of Other Scholars - Gal Zauberman, Aimee Drolet, Benjamin Rossi
Itamar Simonson Interviews - James R. Bettman
Interview of James R. Bettman - Itamar Simonson
Volume Editor - Jennifer E. Escalas
Appendix of Sources
Series Introduction - Jagdish N. Sheth
Set Introduction - Jagdish N. Sheth
Volume Introduction – Attitude, Identity, and Influence - Jennifer E. Escalas
Attitude Models
Cognitive Algebra in Multi attribute Attitude Models - N. Capon, R. J. and Lutz
Multiattribute Measurement Models and Multiattribute Attitude Theory - N. Capon, R. J. and Lutz
Information Processing in Attitude Formation and Change - N. Capon, R. J. and Lutz
Autobiographical Memories and Consumer Judgments
Autobiographical Memories, Affect, and Consumer Information Processing - H. Baumgarter and M. Sujan
Influencing Consumer Judgments via Autobiographical Memories: A Self-Referencing Perspective - M. Sujan and H. Baumgarter
Using Narratives to Discern Self-Identity Related Consumer Goals and Motivations - J. E. Escalas
You Are What They Eat: The Influence of Reference Groups on Consumers’ Connections to Brands - J. E. Escalas
Let Us Eat and Drink, For Tomorrow We Shall Die: Effects of Mortality Salience and Self-Esteem on Self-Regulation in Consumer Choice - R. Ferraro and B. Shiv
Self-Construal, Reference Groups, and Brand Meaning - J. E. Escalas
Our Possessions, Our Selves: Domains of Self-Worth and the Possession-Self Link - R. Ferraro and J. E. Escalas
Self-Brand Connections: The Role of Reference Groups and Celebrity Endorsers in the Creation of Brand Meaning - J. E. Escalas
Predicting Happiness: How Normative Feeling Rules Influence (and Even Reverse) Durability Bias - S. L. Wood
Of Chameleons and Consumption: The Impact of Mimicry on Choice and Preferences - R. Tanner, R. Ferraro, T. L. Chartrand, and R. van Baaren
The Power of Strangers: The Effect of Incidental Consumer-Brand Encounters on Brand Choice - R. Ferraro and T. L. Chartrand
Perspectives of Other Scholars - Hal Kassarjian, Rich Lutz, Darren Dahl
Jennifer E. Escalas Interviews - James R. Bettman
Interview of James R. Bettman - Jennifer E. Escalas
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