<i>'This book has much to commend it, because of the richness and diversity of the issues addressed.'</i>
- Indira Rajaraman, Tax Justice Focus,
<i>'The volume offers substantial insights into the nature of institutional competition, focusing mostly on governmental institutions, and shows the many subtleties in understanding and analyzing the role of institutions. Institutional competition is a small subset of institutional analysis, but an important one, and while the volume does cover the more familiar tax and expenditure topics, it also delves more deeply into the subject.'</i>
- Randall G. Holcombe, Public Choice,
<i>'While economists typically praise the merits of competition among market-based enterprises, they are not so sure when it comes to competition among institutions, especially governments. I am aware of no better source for thoughtful reflection on competition among institutions than the ten essays presented in this book.'</i>
- Richard E. Wagner, George Mason University, US,