"Follow the wisdom contained in this powerful volume and yourtreasury will grow and grow. I learned plenty." -- Og Mandino,author The Greatest Salesman in the World "The Guerrilla Group has done it again! Guerrilla Trade ShowSelling is the definitive book on how to sell more, faster andeasier at trade shows. It is loaded with practical, provenprinciples, methods and techniques that anyone can use to double,triple and quadruple their revenues at any trade show they attend."-- Brian Tracy, author The Psychology of Achievement. "Guerrilla Trade Show Selling is pure platinum for anyone who hasto or wants to effectively work the trade show floor. It's loadedwith practical, down-to-earth ideas worth thousands of dollars toanyone who reads and implements its great advice." -- Dr. TonyAlessandra, author The Platinum Rule. "More about trade shows and sales techniques than I ever knewexisted. The authors actually turn exhibiting into a profitcenter!" -- Alan Weiss, PhD, author Million Dollar Consulting
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"Follow the wisdom contained in this powerful volume and your treasury will grow and grow. I learned plenty. " -- Og Mandino, author The Greatest Salesman in the World "The Guerrilla Group has done it again! Guerrilla Trade Show Selling is the definitive book on how to sell more, faster and easier at trade shows.
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What You Can Achieve at a Trade Show (That You Never Thought YouCould). How to Pick the Right Show. Why a Potent Exhibit Strategy Sets the Stage for MaximumSales. How to Turn Your Exhibit into a Buyer Magnet. The Rewards of Guerrilla Selling on the Trade Show Floor. Setting Up at the Show with No Hassles, in Record Time. Trade Show Peak Performance. Making the Connection That Creates a New Customer. Guerrilla Presentations They'll Never Forget. Inside Secrets Trade Show Pros Know and Use. How to Make Your Show Really Pay Off Big. How to Measure Your Show Success. Bibliography. Appendix. Index.
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"Follow the wisdom contained in this powerful volume and your treasury will grow and grow. I learned plenty." — Og Mandino, author The Greatest Salesman in the World "The Guerrilla Group has done it again! Guerrilla Trade Show Selling is the definitive book on how to sell more, faster and easier at trade shows. It is loaded with practical, proven principles, methods and techniques that anyone can use to double, triple and quadruple their revenues at any trade show they attend." — Brian Tracy, author The Psychology of Achievement. "Guerrilla Trade Show Selling is pure platinum for anyone who has to or wants to effectively work the trade show floor. It's loaded with practical, down-to-earth ideas worth thousands of dollars to anyone who reads and implements its great advice." — Dr. Tony Alessandra, author The Platinum Rule. "More about trade shows and sales techniques than I ever knew existed. The authors actually turn exhibiting into a profit center!" — Alan Weiss, PhD, author Million Dollar Consulting
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What You Can Achieve at a Trade Show (That You Never Thought You
How to Pick the Right Show.
Why a Potent Exhibit Strategy Sets the Stage for Maximum
How to Turn Your Exhibit into a Buyer Magnet.
The Rewards of Guerrilla Selling on the Trade Show Floor.
Setting Up at the Show with No Hassles, in Record Time.
Trade Show Peak Performance.
Making the Connection That Creates a New Customer.
Guerrilla Presentations They'll Never Forget.
Inside Secrets Trade Show Pros Know and Use.
How to Make Your Show Really Pay Off Big.
How to Measure Your Show Success.
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John Wiley & Sons Inc
420 gr
231 mm
151 mm
21 mm
P, 06
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Jay Conrad Levison is the author of the best-selling Guerrilla Marketing Series.
Mark S. A. Smith, an internationally acclaimedspeaker and writer on trade show selling, has over 200 articles published and was past president of the Colorado Speakers Association.
Orvel Ray Wilson is an internationally acclaimed author and speakeron sales, marketing, and management. Coauthor of Guerrilla Selling: Unconventional Weapons and Tactics for Increasing Your Sales, he is President of The Guerrilla Group, Inc., an international trainingand consulting firm serving clients worldwide.