... among the most fundamental and comprehensive books ever written about the subject of business design and design thinking. -- Business Design Association, November 2nd, 2009 ...for readers interested in the processes of design...there are some interesting bits of detail and discussions on how exactly this is done. - The Financial Times, October 15, 2009 Insightful analysis of a hot management trend, useful for executives of all levels. --BusinessWeek, October 26, 2009 ...a tough-minded elegant survey of why design thinking shouldn't be considered some soft thing that's nice for business at the edges but not necessary at the core. --MIT Sloan Management Review, Improvisations blog, October 2009 ...offers thoughtful and valuable insight for all managers, and concludes with important instructions for individuals who want to become design thinkers. An excellent book. -Booklist, October 15, 2009