This volume is a useful addition to the rapidly growing literature on integrating work and life. The contributors are mainly academics and practitioners from the fields of psychology and business. The introduction and first chapter present a brief up-to-date overview of the field. The other seven chapters concentrate on specific work-life concerns, most not addressed in such detail in overview volumes. They include how work-life integration affects women, their careers, and families; challenges faced in the US by GLBT individuals and families; government benefits available in many European countries to assist integration; description of laws to protect pregnant women from discrimination and how they work; practices to support employee careers in a small workplace; and description of barriers to obtaining tenure in universities (still harder for women than for men). The final chapter, written by two human resource specialists, suggests examples of organizational policies that can assist employees in achieving work-life integration. For each policy, details on coverage, accessibility, and limitations are provided. Also described are several training programs for managers that should lead to a company culture supportive of employees in their work careers and beyond. Recommended. General readers, graduate students, faculty, and practitioners.
Paludi and Neidermeyer assemble eight essays that discuss the balance between home and family life….Resources are provided, including sample policies and procedures, for employees, employers, and human resource specialists. In addition, these issues are considered through a multicultural perspective.
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