Rick Wartzman, Forbes
"Explodes the 'skills gap' explanation favored by many corporate leaders and human resources consultants."
Jena McGregor, The Washington Post
"Peter Cappelli's new book addresses one of today's major conundrums: why do so many jobs in America remain unfilled in the face of persistently high unemployment? With so many concerned observers looking to the government to solve the jobs crisis, Cappelli's book is a refreshing and highly readable treatise on the roles and responsibilities of the private sector in matching job seekers to jobs. A must-read for those interested in how to get US employment back on track."
Jennifer Blanke, Lead Economist, World Economic Forum
"Peter Cappelli has produced a valuable and very readable examination of the important, but often misunderstood, skills gap problem. He punctures many common myths and outlines a sensible way to better match the demand for, and supply of, skills."
Ray Marshall, Rapoport Centennial Chair of Economics and Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin, and Former Secretary of Labor
"It is high time to dismiss a silo approach to education and workforce and focus on the overall objective of these efforts, which is ensuring that every American has access to a training mechanism that will allow them to maximize their human potential. Such an approach requires greater engagement of corporate human resource departments, training providers and government leaders. Bravo to Dr. Cappelli for highlighting the importance of taking a supply chain approach to worker training and public-private partnerships."
Cordell Carter, Former Vice President, Public Policy, Business Roundtable
"Peter Cappelli's book provides a compelling diagnosis of why the common skill gap complaint masks the true situation and what needs to be done. It should be recommended reading for any U.S. employer complaining about difficulties in recruiting the right staff."
John P. Martin, Director for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs, Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD)
"Peter offers a provocative and fresh perspective on one of the most crucial issues facing the global economy. Improving the quality of the global workforce will require that business, government, and academia work side-by-side. <i>Why Good People Can't Get Jobs</i> makes a significant contribution to this effort."
Frederick Kempe, President and CEO, Atlantic Council