<p><strong>'The make-buy decision has been central to questions of organising and the pursuit of efficiency since Coase set out the Theory of the Firm in 1937. In recent times, however, we have come to care more about <i>how</i> we make or buy, and with <i>whom</i> we engage to do so. This comprehensive new book provides an in-depth and up-to-date analysis of social procurement, delving deep into the multiple perspectives and foundations of how procurement matters, and the social outcomes that can be achieved when we use procurement to make a difference.'</strong> - Janine O’Flynn, Professor, The University of Melbourne, Australia</p><p><strong>'In one of the most comprehensive texts on social procurement to date, Barraket, Keast, and Furneaux provide a thorough exploration of this expanding trend that stretches across government, civil society, and for-profit sectors. Combining country comparisons, theoretical insights, and boundary analysis, they offer a unique inside look at the possibilities and challenges of this much understudied avenue to social value creation.'</strong> – Janelle A. Kerlin, Associate Professor, Georgia State University, USA</p><p><strong>'This book provides us at last with a thorough analysis of commissioning, purchasing and procurement from the perspectives of social procurement, social value and public value. Combining theoretical and practical insights, it will be invaluable for researchers and practitioners alike.'</strong> - Tony Bovaird, Emeritus Professor, The University of Birmingham, UK</p>