PRAISE FOR PETER F. DRUCKER: "The man who invented management." -- Businessweek "Drucker gave us the language, the metaphor, the lens, the understanding of the role of management as the critical function." -- Jim Collins, author, Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap ... and Others Don't "Like many philosophers, he spoke in plain language that resonated with ordinary managers. Consequently, simple statements from him have influenced untold numbers of daily actions; they did mine over decades." -- Andy Grove, founder, Intel Corp. "The king of management gurus." -- The Economist

The best of Peter F. Drucker's articles on management, all in one place. That "management" exists as a concept, a practice, and a profession is largely due to the thinking of Peter F. Drucker. For nearly half a century, he inspired and educated managers--and powerfully shaped the nature of business--with his iconic articles in Harvard Business Review. Through the lens of Drucker's broad vision, this volume presents an opportunity to trace the great shifts in organizations in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries--from manufacturing to knowledge work, from career-length employee tenures to short-term contract relationships, from command-and-control structures to flatter organizations that call for new leadership techniques. These articles also offer a firm and practical grasp of the role of the manager and the executive today--their responsibilities, their relationships, their decisions, and detailed processes that can make their work more effective. A celebrated thinker at his best, in this volume Drucker paints a clear and comprehensive picture of management thinking and practice--both as it is and as it will be. This collection of articles includes: "What Makes an Effective Executive," "The Theory of the Business," "Managing for Business Effectiveness," "The Effective Decision," "How to Make People Decisions," "They're Not Employees, They're People," "The New Productivity Challenge," "What Business Can Learn from Nonprofits," "The New Society of Organizations," and "Managing Oneself."
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The best of Drucker all in one place Peter Drucker revolutionized management thinking before there was management thinking. For nearly half a century he inspired and educated managers-and powerfully shaped the nature of business-with his landmark articles in Harvard Business Review .
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Harvard Business Review Press
212 gr
209 mm
139 mm
15 mm
G, 01
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Peter F. Drucker was an Austrian-born writer, teacher, and consultant. He is one of the best-known thinkers about the role of the manager and the executive. He founded the Peter F. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management and counseled the governments of 13 countries as well as numerous public service institutions and major corporations. His 39 books on management have been published in more than 70 languages. He was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2002 and received honors from the governments of Austria and Japan.