'If you are a manager and new to BPM, and want a serious introduction to the issues involved using BPM in an organization, this is a great way to come up to speed on the key issues. Similarly, if you are a BPM manager and going to be building a case for BPM in your organization, you will also find this book very useful.' Business Process Trends
'This book is a veritable treasure trove of information, every page filled with some fact or factoid of note. … The book is an absolute must read for any business, systems or process analyst in order to make sure that they stay focussed on what is really important - business results. It's non-jargon, non-technical style means that for any Manager it will serve as a great introduction to process management and will prove invaluable to them in the selection of processes to improve, tool selection and technology selection.' www.bpmg.org