<i>'Frenkel and Maital provide a ground-breaking deeply-delving study of innovation systems, offering guidance for decision-making practitioners that links theory with case-based learning opportunities.'</i><br /> --Michael Radnor, Chairman and co-founder, Global Advanced Technology Innovation Consortium (GATIC)<p><i>'A must read for national policy makers, this book highlights the role of innovation in overall economic wellbeing and the importance of a system-based approach to designing national innovation policies'</i><br /> --Brendan Cahill, Partner, BearingPoint</p><p><i>'Every national innovation ecosystem is based on the country's history, culture, people and environment. This book is essential reading for policy-makers in any region or nation, especially for nations such as China, in the process of developing an innovation-based economy.'</i><br /> --Gu Peihua, Provost, Shantou University, China</p>