<strong>Love Your Mondays & Retire Young </strong>just might be the most important book of this decade. It has profound insights on how we should manage our professional lives, create financial freedom and live a wholesome life. An intriguing and potentially life altering examination of prevalent work situation that is sure to benefit all readers. This book must be read by every student and employee.
- Mr. Anil Moolchandani,
"<strong>Love Your Mondays & Retire Young</strong> is a passionate and persuasive appeal to think differently about our professional lives. Siddhartha brilliantly articulates the need and strategies to discover ones passion, followed by 12 success principles for living an exceptional work-life. This is a life-changing book and will forever alter the way you look at yourself. The author just does not give the message; he lives the message. ′Quitting his job<br />
to start Success Monks′. Simply superb, motivating & powerful."
- Patrick Rousseau,
"Siddhartha Sharma has written an engaging and readable book that will draw readers into an extended conversation with the author and with themselves. Through this internal dialogue, they will learn that happiness and fulfillment are less about struggle than they are about setting the path that makes effort a joy. More is possible to us than we ever imagined, if we take Sharma’s counsel to heart. This is a super manifesto towards
designing professional-lives we want to lead."
- Mary C. Gentile, PhD, Author of Giving Voice To Values
<strong>Love Your Mondays</strong> is the new science of ′Professional Success′. If you want to speed forward to both massive wealth and emotional fulfillment you must take the road of ′passion′. I always knew so many people hate their Mondays, but now I truly know why. A must read for all students, working professionals and aspiring entrepreneurs. A well crafted piece of success-literature and a bold call to mend the formal education system.
- Jean-Michel Cassé,
"Read it slow. Take it in. Implement. It will change your life. Profoundly insightful, yet refreshingly simple. Siddhartha′s work makes a great read. Highly recommended"
- Mr. Goonjan Mall, http://onlineprasad.com/
"Every parent and student should be reading this book and help end the rat race that we have degenerated into"
- Vivek Kaul,
<strong>Love your Mondays</strong> makes you think about your life with a much broader perspective !! Read it with a free mind, and you will be forced ask yourself the three powerful questions that will change the way you look at your professional life. The book inspires you without sounding pedantic, and makes you think "what′s my dream, and what will it take for me to fulfill it".
- Amit Kohli,
"<strong>Love Your Mondays & Retire Young</strong> is an engaging and insightful book looking into making your heart and minds work together towards creating complete harmony. It is a book for people who say ‘Thank God It’s Friday’ and hate coming back to work on Mondays"
- Rahul Saini,
"For most people passion and profession is a mirage, often confusing one for the other. This book churns you internally to the point of compelling you to introspect, act decisively and seek personal happiness. The simplicity touches your inner core."
- Mr. Chetan Mehra,
<p><strong>Love your Monday and retire young</strong> outlines a five-point road test to help readers discovers where their passion truly lies and how they can either switch careers or make changes in their current profession.</p>
- Mint,
<p>Thought-provoking reflections on the situation of working women and men all over the world... a must read for all working people...replete with factual information and case studies... a timely and substantial input to current career advice literature. </p>
- The Island,