The Legends in Marketing series captures the essence of the most important contributions made in the field of marketing in the past hundred years. It reproduces the seminal works of the legends in the field, supplemented by interviews of these legends as well as by the opinions of other scholars about their work. The series comprises various sets, each focused on the multiple ways in which a legend has contributed to the field. This tenth set in the series, consisting of six volumes, is a tribute to Paul E. Green, Emeritus Professor of Marketing at The Wharton School, The University of Pennsylvania.  Prof. Green was often called "the father of conjoint analysis," the powerful predictive statistical technique and backbone of market research. Conjoint analysis allows marketing managers to make accurate decisions about what products and services to sell—and helped make Green marketing’s most cited author. The marketing discipline’s familiarity with the utilization of Bayesian statistics, multidimensional scaling, clustering, and analysis of qualitative data are due in part to the pioneering works of Prof. Green. The most prolific of marketing scholars with 16 books and over 200 articles, his influence on the marketing discipline ranges far beyond his groundbreaking inspired writings. As a creative researcher, he stimulated the design and implementation of numerous innovative studies for the solution of real-world problems. Prof. Green received all of the major marketing awards, including the Parlin Award for Advancement of Science in Marketing, the AMA/Irwin Marketing Educator of the Year Award, The Outstanding Marketing Educator Award, and the Lifetime Achievement in Marketing Research Award.  He was also selected as one of the nine Legends of Marketing and SAGE Publications will be publishing six volumes of his writings. In 1996, the Journal of Marketing Research established the Paul E. Green Award for the best article in the Journal of Marketing Research that demonstrates the greatest potential to contribute significantly to the practice of marketing research. He passed away on September 21, 2012. The series is edited by Jagdish N. Sheth, who is the Charles H. Kellstadt Professor of Marketing in the Goizueta Business School at Emory University, USA. He is past president of the Association for Consumer Research (ACR) as well as Division 23 (Consumer Psychology) of the American Psychological Association. He is also a Fellow of the American Psychological Association (APA). Professor Sheth is the coauthor of the Howard–Sheth Theory of Buyer Behavior, a classic in consumer behavior published in 1969. Volumes in this set: Volume 1: MDS and Positioning Editor: Wayne DeSarbo Volume 2: Clustering and Segmentation Editor: Jerry Wind and Arun Jain Volume 3: Conjoint Analysis: the Pioneering Years Editor: Seenu Srinivasan Volume 4: Conjoint Analysis: Advanced Methods Editor: Abba M. Krieger and Eric Bradlow Volume 5: Conjoint Analysis: Applications Editor: Vithala R. Rao Volume 6: Marketing Research Editor: Joel Huber
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The Legends in Marketing series captures the essence of the most important contributions made in the field of marketing in the past hundred years 
Volume 1: MDS & Positioning Appendix of Sources Series Introduction - Jagdish N. Sheth Set Introduction: - Jagdish N. Sheth Volume Introduction: Multidimensional Scaling and Positioning: The Conrtibutions Of Paul E. Green - Wayne DeSarbo Marketing Applications of MDS: Assessment and Outlook Perception and Preference Mapping in the Analysis of Marketing Behavior - Michael H. Halbert and Patrick J. Robinson Ordinal Methods in Multidimensional Scaling and Data Analysis - Marshall G. Greenberg Dimensional Interpretation and Configuration Invariance in Multidimensional Scaling: An Empirical Study - Arun Maheshwari and Vithala R. Rao Multidimensional Scaling: An Introduction and Comparison of Nonmetric Unfolding Techniques - Frank J. Carmone Multidimensional Scaling and Individual Differences - Vithala R. Rao Configuration Synthesis in Multidimensional Scaling - Vithala R. Rao On the Robustness of Multidimensional Scaling Techniques Brand-Feature Congruence Mapping - Yoram Wind and Henry J. Claycamp A Model for the Analysis of Asymmetric Data in Marketing Research - Richard A. Harshman, Yoram Wind and Margaret E. Lundy Interpoint Distance Comparisons in Correspondence Analysis - J. Douglas Carroll and Catherine M. Schaffer Comparing Interpoint Distances in Correspondence Analysis: A Clarification - J. Douglas Carroll and Catherine M. Schaffer An INDSCAL-based Approach to Multiple Correspondence Analysis - J. Douglas Carroll A Simple Procedure for Finding a Composite of Several Multidimensional Scaling Solutions - J. Douglas Carroll Recent Contributions to Optimal Product Positioning and Buyer Segmentation - Abba M. Krieger An Application of a Product Positioning Model to Pharmaceutical Products - Abba M. Krieger Psychometric Methods in Marketing Research: Part II, Multidimensional Scaling - J. Douglas Carroll Technical Appendix B in Applied Multidimensional Scaling: A Comparison of Approaches and Algorithms - Vithala R. Rao Perspectives of Other Scholars Vithala R. Rao – Commentary for the Green MDS – Positioning Volume Michel Wedel – A Reflection on Paul Green′s Impact on the Science and Practice of Multidimensional Scaling A Conversation with Paul Green - Wayne DeSarbo Volume 2: Clustering and Segementation Appendix of Sources Timeline Series Introduction - Jagdish N. Sheth Set Introduction - Jagdish N. Sheth Volume Introduction Jerry Wind and Arun Jain Market Segmentation Segment Congruence Analysis: A Method for Analyzing Associations among Alternative Bases for Market Segmentation - Frank J. Carmone 2.K-modes Clustering - Anil Chaturvedi and J. Douglas Carroll Market Segmentation Involving Mixtures of Quantitative and Qualitative Variables - Abba M. Krieger Synthesized Clustering: A Method for Amalgamating Alternative Clustering Bases with Differential Weighting of Variables - Wayne S. DeSarbo, J. Douglas Carroll and Linda A. Clark Alternative Approaches to Cluster-based Market Segmentation - Abba M. Krieger An Empirical Comparison of Variable Standardization Methods in Cluster Analysis - Catherine M. Schaffer Cluster-based Market Segmentation: Some Further Comparisons of Alternative Approaches A Generalized Rand-Index Method for Consensus Clustering of Separate Partitions of the Same Data Base - Abba M. Krieger Clustering The Minimal Rank Correlation, Subject to Order Restrictions, with Application to the Weighted Linear Choice Model - Abba M. Krieger A Feature-based Approach to Market Segmentation via Overlapping K-Centroids Clustering - Anil Chaturvedi, J. Douglas Carroll and John A. Rotondo Modifying Cluster-based Segments to Enhance Agreement with an Exogenous Performance Variable - Abba M. Krieger A Cautionary Note on Using Internal Cross Validation to Select the Number of Clusters - Abba M. Krieger Numerical Taxonomy in Marketing Analysis: A Review Article - Ronald E. Frank Research for Marketing Decisions A Reduced-Space Approach to the Clustering of Categorical Data in Market Segmentation - Catherine M. Schaffer and Karen M. Patterson Television Program Similarities: An Application of Subjective Clustering - Frank J. Carmone and Leo B. Fox A Multidimensional Model of Product-features Association Linking Soft Data Collection Techniques with Strategic Market Modeling: A Case Application Distance Functions and Cluster Analysisx Perspectives of Other Scholars Howard Moskowitz & Phipps Arabie - You can have anything you want: Paul Green, segmentation, and marketing practice Frank Carmone – Legends in Marketing: Dr. Paul E. Green, Reminiscing - F. J. Carmone, Jr. Volume 3: Conjoint Analysis: The Pioneering Years Appendix of Sources Timeline Series Introduction - Jagdish N. Sheth Set Introduction - Jagdish N. Sheth Volume Introduction - Seenu Srinivasan Conjoint Analysis Basics Conjoint Measurement for Quantifying Judgmental Data - Vithala R. Rao Subjective Evaluation Models and Conjoint Measurement - Frank J. Carmone and Yoram Wind New Way to Measure Consumers’ Judgments - Yoram Wind Factorial Designs for Conjoint Analysis On the Design of Choice Experiments Involving Multifactor Alternatives Superordinate Factorial Designs in the Analysis of Consumer Judgments - J. Douglas Carroll and Frank J. Carmone Some New Types of Fractional Factorial Designs for Marketing Experiments - J. Douglas Carroll and Frank J. Carmone Conjoint Analysis as an Applied Marketing Tool Conjoint Analysis in Consumer Research: Issues and Outlook - V. Srinivasan Estimating Choice Probabilities in Multiattribute Decision Making - J. Douglas Carroll, and Wayne S. DeSarbo A General Approach to Product Design Optimization via Conjoint Analysis - J. Douglas Carroll, and Stephen M. Goldberg Conjoint Analysis of Item Collections Benefit Bundle Analysis - Yoram Wind and Arun K. Jain Preference Measurement of Item Collections - Yoram Wind and Arun K. Jain A Complementarity Model of Consumer Utility for Item Collections - Michael T. DeVita Extensions of Conjoint Analysis An Interaction Model of Consumer Utility - Michael T. DeVita Incorporating Group-Level Similarity Judgments in Conjoint Analysis - Vithala R. Rao, and Wayne S. DeSarbo Componential Segmentation in the Analysis of Consumer Trade-Offs - Wayne S. DeSarbo A Conjoint Model for Measuring Self- and Cross-Price Demand Relationships - Stephen M. Goldberg Hybrid Conjoint Analysis: The Early years A Hybrid Utility Estimation Model for Conjoint Analysis - Stephen M. Goldberg and Mila Montemayor A Cross-Validation Test of Hybrid Conjoint Models - Stephen M. Goldberg and James B. Wiley Hybrid Models for Conjoint Analysis: An Expository Review Perspectives of Other Scholars John Hauser - Perspectives on Paul E. Green Vithala R. Rao - Commentary for the Green Legend Volume on “Conjoint Analysis: the Pioneering years Volume 4: Conjoint Analysis: Advanced Methods Appendix of Sources Timeline Series Introduction - Jagdish N. Sheth Set Introduction - Jagdish N. Sheth Volume Introduction - Abba M. Krieger and Eric Bradlow Adaptive Conjoint Analysis: Some Caveats and Suggestions International Portfolio Analysis and Strategy: The Challenge of the 80s (Reibstein, Jain) - Abba M. Krieger and Manoj Agarwal Individualized Hybrid Models for Conjoint Analysis - Abba M. Krieger Hierarchical Bayes Conjoint Analysis: Recovery of Partworth Heterogeneity from Reduced Experimental Designs - Peter J. Lenk, Wayne S. DeSarbo and Martin R. Young Completely Unacceptable Levels in Conjoint Analysis: A Cautionary Note - Abba M. Krieger and Pradeep Bansal Conjoint Internal Validity under Alternative Profile Presentations - Kristiaan Helsen and Bruce Shandler Cross-Validation Assessment of Alternatives to Individual-Level Conjoint Analysis: A Case Study - Kristiaan Helsen A Cross Validation Test of Four Models for Quantifying Multiattribute Preferences - Abba M. Krieger and Manoj Agarwal Effect of Level of Disaggregation on Conjoint Cross Validations: Some Comparative Findings - Abba M. Krieger and U.N. Umesh A Hybrid Conjoint Model for Price-Demand Estimation - Abba M. Krieger Modeling Competitive Pricing and Market Share: Anatomy of a Decision Support System - Abba M. Krieger Segmenting Markets with Conjoint Analysis - Abba M. Krieger Conjoint Analysis in Marketing: New Developments with Implications for Research and Practice - V. Srinivasan Thirty Years of Conjoint Analysis: Reflections and Prospects - Abba M. Krieger and Yoram Wind Perspectives of Other Scholars Bob Meyer - Vithala R. Rao Joel H. Steckel – Paul Green: The Hulk Hogan of Marketing Olivier Toubia – Green, Fields and Bridges Volume 5: Conjoint Analysis: Applications Appendix of Sources Timeline Series Introduction - Jagdish N. Sheth Set Introduction - Jagdish N. Sheth Volume Introduction - Vithala R. Rao The Vagaries of Becoming (and Remaining) a Marketing Research Methodologist Conjoint Analysis: Methods and Applications - Jerry Wind and Vithala R. Rao Product Service Design and Optimization A Consumer-based Approach to Designing Product Line Extensions - Abba M. Krieger A Componential Segmentation Model with Optimal Product Design Features Courtyard by Marriott: Designing a Hotel Facility with Consumer-based Marketing Models - Jerry Wind, Douglas K. Shifflet and Marsha Scarbrough Evaluating New Products - Abba M. Krieger and Terry Vavra Evaluating EZPass: Using Conjoint Analysis to Assess Consumer Response to a New Tollway Technology - Terry G. Vavra and Abba M. Krieger Consumer Evaluation of “Really New” Services: The TrafficPulse System - Abba M. Krieger, Leonard Lodish, Jim D’Arcangelo, Chris Rothey and Paul Thirty Market Segmentation and Product Positioning Quick and Simple Benefit Segmentation - Abba M. Krieger and Catherine M. Schaffer Conjoint Analysis with Product-Positioning Applications - Abba M. Krieger Pricing and Bundling Analysis Conjoint Analysis of Price Premiums for Hotel Amenities - Stephen M. Goldberg and Yoram Wind Applying Conjoint Analysis to Product Assortment and Pricing in Retailing Research - Jeffry Savitz A Decision-Support System for Developing Retail Promotional Strategy - Vijay Mahajan, Stephen M. Goldberg and Pradeep K. Kedia Branding and Competition Attribute Importance Weights Modification in Assessing a Brand’s Competitive Potential - Abba M. Krieger Using Conjoint Analysis to View Competitive Interaction through the Customer’s Eyes - Abba M. Krieger Software User’s Guide to SIMOPT (1999) User’s Guide to BUNDOPT (1999) - Abba M. Krieger Perspectives of Other Scholars John Hauser - Paul E. Green: An Applications’ Guru Min Ding - A Gentle Giant Volume 6: Marketing Research Appendix of Sources Timeline Series Introduction - Jagdish N. Sheth Set Introduction - Jagdish N. Sheth Volume Introduction Paul Green: Marketing Research and Critical Developments - Joel Huber Bayesian Decision Theory in Advertising Bayesian Decision Theory in Pricing Strategy Canonical Analysis: An Exposition and Illustrative Application - Michael H. Halbert and Patrick J. Robinson Cluster Analysis in Test Market Selection - Ronald E. Frank and Patrick J. Robinson Ratings Scales and Information Recovery—How Many Scales and Response Categories to Use? - Vithala R. Rao On the Analysis of Interactions in Marketing Research Data Analyzing Free-Response Data in Marketing Research - Yoram Wind and Arun K. Jain Consumer Segmentation via Latent Class Analysis - Frank J. Carmone and David P. Wachspress On the Analysis of Qualitative Data in Marketing Research - Frank J. Carmone and David P. Wachspress A New Measure of Predictor Variable Importance in Multiple Regression - J. Douglas Carroll and Wayne S. DeSarbo Marketing Research—The Value and Cost of Decision-Making Information - Donald S. Tull Univariate Analyses of Variance and Covariance - J. Douglas Carroll Model Misspecification in Multiattribute Parameter Estimation - Frank J. Carmone An Alternating Least-Squares Procedure for Estimating Missing Preference Data in Product-Concept Testing - Wayne S. DeSarbo and J. Douglas Carroll A Validation Study of Sawtooth Software’s Adaptive Conjoint Analysis (ACA) - Catherine M. Schaffe and Karen M. Patterson Psychometric Methods in Marketing Research: Part 1: Conjoint Analysis - J. Douglas Carroll Perspectives of Other Scholars - Naresh Malhotra Multidimensional Scaling and Positioning: The Contributions of - Paul E. Green
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Jagdish N. Sheth, Ph.D., is the Charles H. Kellstadt Professor of Marketing at Emory University, Goizueta Business School. He is known nationally and internationally for his scholarly contributions in consumer behavior, relationship marketing, competitive strategy, and geopolitical analysis. When he joined Emory’s faculty in 1991, Professor Sheth had nearly 30 years of combined experience in marketing from the University of Southern California, the University of Illinois, Columbia University, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Throughout his career, Professor Sheth has offered more than a thousand presentations in at least 20 countries. He has also provided consultancy for numerous companies in the United States, Europe, and Asia. His client list includes AT&T, BellSouth, Cox Communications, Delta, Ernst & Young, Ford, GE, Lucent Technologies, Motorola, Nortel, Pillsbury, Sprint, Square D, 3M, Whirlpool, and others. Currently, Professor Sheth sits on the Board of Directors of several public companies including Norstan, Cryo Cell International, and Wipro Limited. Professor Sheth’s accolades include “Outstanding Marketing Educator,” an award presented by the Academy of Marketing Science, the “Outstanding Educator” award twice-presented by Sales and Marketing Executives International, and the P.D. Converse Award for his outstanding contributions to theory in marketing, presented by the American Marketing Association. Professor Sheth is the recipient of the two highest awards given by the American Marketing Association: the Richard D. Irwin Distinguished Marketing Educator Award and the Charles Coolidge Parlin Award. In 1996, Professor Sheth was selected as the Distinguished Fellow of the Academy of Marketing Science. The following year, he was awarded the Distinguished Fellow award from the International Engineering Consortium. Professor Sheth is also a Fellow of the American Psychological Association (known as APA). In 2014, he was awarded the William Wilkie Award, Marketing for a Better World by the American Marketing Association. Professor Sheth has authored or coauthored hundreds of articles and books. In 2000, he and Andrew Sobel published the best seller, Clients for Life. In 2001, Value Space, which he coauthored with Banwari Mittal, was published. Professor Sheth’s most popular book, The Rule of Three, was coauthored with Dr Rajendra Sisodia and published in 2002. He has since written notable publications: Tectonic Shift, Firms of Endearment, and The 4 A’s of Marketing.