<i>‘Christoph Barmeyer and Constanze Ruesga Rath have provided the field of cross-cultural management with a priceless, historical tour de force of the lives, crucible experiences, and wisdom of the pioneering women scholars in the field. In reviewing the manuscript for endorsement, I could not put it down - their insights and the “behind-the-scenes” revelations of their motivations, adversities, triumphs, and the subsequent wisdom engendered from their varied experiences, were riveting. Everyone in the field should read this book and return to it often, not only for professional guidance but for light and edification of the soul. I cannot recommend this book highly enough.’</i>
- Mark Mendenhall, University of Tennessee, US,
<i>‘An inspiring and life-affirming book, and not just for academics working in the field of cross-cultural management! Anyone with an interest in doing research that matters will find this book a stimulating read. I thoroughly enjoyed both its analysis of the field and its fascinating life stories of 12 amazing women academics.’</i>
- Anne-Wil Harzing, Middlesex University, UK,