"Wendy Lipton-Dibner is the master of impact strategy. Her newest book, "Focus On Impact" is a critical tool for the rapidly-changing global market. Well-written, practical and smart. A must read.” - Harvey Mackay, #1 New York Times bestselling author of "Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive" <p>
</p><p>“Wendy Lipton-Dibner's Focus On Impact presents a powerful and actionable roadmap for monetizing your impact in the 21st century. A must-read for entrepreneurs, executives and non-profit leaders.” - Bob Proctor, Bestselling author of "The ABC's of Success, Chairman & Co-Founder, Proctor Gallagher Institute"</p><p>
</p><p>“My father asked me every night, ‘Sharon, have you impacted someone's life for good today?’ That simple question has been the guiding light for my life. In Focus on Impact, Wendy Lipton-Dibner has created the authoritative thesis for creating positive impact in the lives of others. . .each and every day! This action guide will support you in transforming your life from where you are today. . .to the life of your dreams. . .through re-focusing your actions from creating financial success to creating positive impact on, and for, others. By changing your focus, not only are you creating a better life for yourself and others, you will also see the financial rewards as a result of the impact you make.” - Sharon Lechter, CPA CGMA, Bestselling author of "Think and Grow Rich for Women", co-author of "Outwitting the Devil", "Three Feet from Gold" and "Rich Dad Poor Dad"</p><p>
</p><p>“This masterfully written guidebook gives you the step-by-step to build a sustainable and profitable difference in the world.” - Greg S. Reid, Author, "Think and Grow Rich" series </p><p>
</p><p>“If gaining clear insight is the first key to success, Wendy’s latest book, "Focus On Impact", is an absolute necessity. Don’t just read it. Work through it to find your clear path to amazing fulfillment in all areas of your life.” - Tom Hopkins, Author, "When Buyers Say No"</p><p>
</p><p>“Wendy Lipton-Dibner’s "Focus On Impact" is the next business milestone. Filled with original thinking and backed-up by proof and practicality, this book is a critical tool for creating profitable relationships in any market.” - John Gray, PhD, New York Times bestselling author of "Men Are From Mars, Women are From Venus" and "Conscious Men"</p><p>
</p><p>“I can recall when Chicken Soup for the Soul launched to legendary record setting global success. Then came "The Secret", "Mars and Venus", "No Matter What", "Three Feet From Gold", "Rich Dad Poor Dad", "Outwitting the Devil" and "Think & Grow Rich for Women". All readers of these books MUST read "Focus On Impact" as the final work to transform your personal and professional goal attainment. All you finally need is "Focus On Impact" to win more fully. Spread the word of our major endorsement for "Focus On Impact". Tony Robbins read this ONE!” - Berny Dohrmann, Founder, CEO Space, International</p><p>
</p><p>"Capitalize on the new economy and future-proof your business with Wendy Lipton-Dibner’s newest how-to masterpiece, "Focus On Impact". Her book contains some of the best strategies I’ve seen in a long time, with practical application for new and thriving enterprises in all industries. It’s a brilliant approach. Read it, use it, share it.” - Cheryl Snapp Conner, CEO SnappConner PR, author of "Beyond PR: Communication Like a Champ in the Digital Age", contributor to Forbes.com</p><p>
</p><p>“If you want to make an unstoppable difference in the world that let’s you live the life you want while growing your business, you’ve got to read "Focus On Impact". Wendy Lipton-Dibner’s unique business model is ideal for entrepreneurs and non-profit leaders who are driven to increase their global footprint with measurable results.” - Cynthia Kersey, Founder and CEO Unstoppable Foundation and member of the Transformational Leadership Council</p><p>
</p><p> “If you think it’s all been said already, then you need to read "Focus On Impact". This powerful book is filled with one-of-a-kind strategies that make business fun, fulfilling and profitable. Grow your success with the difference-maker who’s been there, done that and is doing it bigger every year. Wendy Lipton-Dibner will take you wherever you want to go!” - Rick Frishman, International bestselling author, CEO Planned TV Arts and Founder, Author 101 University</p><p>
</p><p>“Smart executives and savvy entrepreneurs maintain a competitive edge by tracking trends and implementing best practices. Wendy Lipton-Dibner’s newest book, "Focus On Impact", presents a goldmine of unique business growth strategies and practical formulas that you simply can’t afford to ignore. Read it, use it like a GPS and become a significant point of influence and success.” - Stefan Swanepoel, New York Times bestselling author, Chairman & CEO Swanepoel T3 Group of Companies</p><p>
</p><p>“Wendy Lipton-Dibner has done it again! In the ground-breaking "Focus On Impact", Wendy describes ‘Impact as the new global currency.’ I couldn't agree more. Wendy's approach to achieving ‘impact’ is thoughtful, introspective, stimulating, and very practical. Many consultants and content experts avoid the territory of personal values as this can be a minefield. But Wendy addresses this head-on, and discusses the source of a person's deeply held value system. Once that is understood, a person's impact can be guided for personal success. With a voice of compassion and teaching, Wendy's concepts are strategies that the reader/leader can begin implementing immediately---and success and profit will follow.” - Nancy Collins, President & Publisher The Journal of Medical Practice Management, Greenbranch Publishing, Phoenix, MD</p><p>
</p><p>“I often hear executives share that one of their most difficult decisions these days is what to read and what to throw away. In my opinion, "Focus On Impact" is a must read for every executive who wants to make a difference in the lives s/he touches every day. This work provides the tools, strategies, and a roadmap that enable business leaders to create and provide products and services that impact their customers and clients in unique and special ways. . .and in the process of focusing on others, build a business and personal life that exceeds their dreams. I am one of many, many people who have the privilege of considering Wendy Lipton-Dibner to be a friend and all of us enjoy spending time with this extraordinary woman and author. She always impacts our lives in positive ways! I have the book; I’ve read the book; now I must implement it in my life and in my business!” - Harry P. Lay, CPA, CPEC, President, Lay Professional Services, Inc.</p><p>
</p><p>”The beautifully presented information in "Focus On Impact" creates life changing Kairos moments of clarity. I predict it will become a beloved and well-worn difference-making reference book in most every readers library.” - Ellen Troyer, CEO Biosyntrx, Inc. Biosyntrx.com</p><p>
</p><p>“Wendy's honest conversational voice makes the entire experience seem like a VIP one-on-one consultation. In an incredibly short amount of time, the compounding rewards of focusing on Impact become crystal clear. The stories are inspiring, the action plans both challenging and rewarding, and there are tons of great free extra resources, my favorite being the online community of like-minded Impacters who are all in your corner. Wendy equips you with the tools to be a Difference-Maker! As a business partner of Wendy's for several years related to her Live events, I now know how she so easily fills a Ballroom wall-to-wall with clients who are committed to making an Impact.” - Dennis Nemchek, Group Sales Manager, Sheraton Stamford Hotel</p><p>
</p><p>“Wendy Lipton-Dibner’s "Focus On Impact" is a must-read for ALL physicians. The strategies in this book helped me grow a thriving practice and live the lifestyle that’s right for my family. As physicians, we tend to be afraid of coming off like used car salesmen, so we don’t always give patients all the information about how we can help them. Wendy helped me realize this was keeping me from giving patients the opportunity to get what they really wanted, and I now am able to serve them in a way that genuinely impacts their lives.” - Dr. Meghan McGovern, MD, DrMeghanMcGovern.com</p><p>
</p><p>“What I love most about Wendy Lipton-Dibner's "Focus On Impact" is that it's a soup-to-nuts guide that helps us build and grow businesses that make a difference while living the life we want to live. Whether you're a Mompreneur like me, or a Fortune 10 executive, this is a model you can use to achieve business success while making the broadest positive impact.” - Aviva Goldfarb, CEO The Six O’Clock Scramble and AvivaGoldfarb.com</p><p>
</p><p>"Get, read and study "Focus On Impact". This is your best step-by-step guide book to an abundant life. Wendy's meticulous map of proven strategies is the secret to living your passion. You need to read this book or miss out on the chance for a fulfilling career and the legacy of a life well-lived. Don't miss a step." - M. Constance B. Greeley, DDS</p><p>
</p><p>“This is not just another business success book. Every once in a while something comes along so important, so substantive, so actionable, it's better described as a gold mine than a book. You hold such a treasure in your hands. Wendy has been called, "the next Zig Ziglar" because she exemplifies helping people get everything they want by teaching them how to truly impact other people's lives. Most people will read only one book this year; it should be this one. Read it again and again. I will.” - Steven Sanchez, international bestselling author, speaker, internet developer and marketer. StevenSanchez.com</p><p>
</p><p>“Focus On Impact" delivers on its promise. It does so because the book itself practices what Wendy preaches. There is nothing in this book that wastes time, even the acknowledgments at the end are instructive and teach by example. The conversational style of the narrative gives you the benefit of a one-on-one connection with Wendy, which you should seek out if you can. I would put this book in the top 5% of all non-fiction that I have ever read (I am a voracious reader and also write for a living).” - Jason Webb, JD, Registered Patent Attorney JPWebb.us</p><p>
</p><p>“From right where you are, Wendy’s book, "Focus On Impact" is a masterful tool for life’s journey. Even if she’s never met you, you’ll feel like she has, because her knowledge, insight and direction provides the perfect inner-core GPS instructions to effectively guide you on your personal journey for success; whether an entrepreneur, mom-preneur, small business owner, nonprofit, clergy, or grass-roots organization.” - Sherita J. Herring, Business Strategist and Nonprofit/Grants Expert </p><p>
</p><p>“No matter how accomplished they are, "Focus On Impact" can support every entrepreneur in finding and overcoming the obstacles that prevent them from moving to their next level of success.” - Karen Leland, Author, "Entrepreneur Magazine’s Ultimate Guide to Pinterest for Business"</p><p>
</p><p>“What a wonderful gift Wendy Lipton-Dibner has shared with us all with her new book "Focus On Impact". Wendy is one of those rare individuals who can seamlessly combine great storytelling with a specific step-by-step formula that will help you to achieve greater success. As you focus on the impact you want to make on the world follow Wendy's expert guidance every step of the way. "Focus on Impact" will become one of the greatest resources in your library and you'll be referring to it again and again and again.” - Bret Ridgway Author, speaker, co-founder of Speaker Fulfillment Services</p><p>
</p><p>"If you are a difference-maker who wants to make an impact on every life you touch, then you now hold the roadmap in your hands. Wendy Lipton-Dibner has written your step-by-step guide to success in "Focus On Impact". With honesty and transparency, Wendy shares her journey of discovery that led her to create this comprehensive and proven process that works in any economy and in any industry with remarkable results. I encourage you as the reader to see this book as the true and generous gift that it is and apply Wendy's wisdom to your life and your business and you will learn the profound joy of living a life of impact. The world is waiting for your impact. . .are you ready to begin your journey? Wendy will be with you every step of the way!" - Gail Brown, Founder & President, Engaging Speakers EngagingSpeakers.com</p><p>
</p><p>“Focus on Impact" is the first book on strategy in the last 10 years to reveal not only what to do, but most importantly how to use the strategies to build a business. Not just any business, but one that honors your desire for impact and integrity while making money. Better than Blue Ocean Strategy, Wendy Lipton-Dibner does not leave anything to chance. She lays it all out for you in practical action steps. All you have to do is download the free resources, follow the map and take action. When you are ready to expand your impact simply repeat the process that produces predictable results. This is a book that you will use over and over again. I highly recommend "Focus On Impact" for the impact-driven professional or entrepreneur in any business of any size at any stage of development.” - Leslie Knight, Founder, Custom Business Success</p><p>
</p><p>“Whether you're an employee, entrepreneur, just starting out, multi-million dollar brand or anywhere in between, Wendy Lipton-Dibner's "Focus On Impact" gives you what you need to serve people, align your team, make an impact and make money. I wish I'd had this book years ago. It would have saved me a lot of time and money. I love this book. It puts an end to 'trial and error.'” - Roberto Candelaria, founder, Sponsorship Boot Camp </p><p>
</p><p>“As a trailblazer in the national non-profit world, I have always looked for some kind of map that would give me direction to make the greatest impact I can on women battling cancer around the world. "Focus On Impact" is that MAP! This book is insightful and easy to read. Wendy shares her real-world experiences that give trailblazers like me the direction we need to make the impact on this world that we want! Thank you Wendy!” - Kim Becker, Co-Founder, Hello Gorgeous! of HOPE, Inc.</p><p>
</p><p>“Do you have a sense of the incredible positive impact you could be having in the world? Well guess what---it’s a lot more than you think! Wendy does a fantastic job of helping you see the possibilities in your greatness, and most importantly, provides a fantastic step-by-step plan to help you define, expand, plan, and realize your potential. Get the book, implement the action steps, and make your impact---you will be glad you did!” - Paul Hoyt, Business Consultant and Bestselling Author</p><p>
</p><p>“Focus On Impact" is so timely. Wendy Lipton-Dibner is a genius at explaining our impact, and how to implement it with plenty of easy to follow examples. I love how she integrates the people that impact her life into the book further demonstrating that impact impacts others. Read this book and get copies for your team!” - Ken Rochon, Jr. The Umbrella Syndicate</p><p>
</p><p>“Wendy takes an empowering and no nonsense approach to building your business and to building the business of your life! Her clear, practical and easy to follow advice helps to step you over the potential obstacles and keeps you on track to creating success and impact in your field. This is a book that deserves to be read!” - Dr. Jane Cox, Human Behaviors Specialist, speaker, trainer and consultant DrJaneCox.co.uk </p><p>
</p><p>“If you are a difference maker or dream of being one in absolutely any area including your personal life then this book is exactly what you need. Wendy Lipton-Dibner has written the complete roadmap to taking action and becoming a difference maker in your desired field. "Focus On Impact" not only takes you simply through the steps, it guides you easily through everything you need to create massive success by breaking the traditional business molds that have been holding us back for so long. Wendy says to “Never underestimate the power of your impact” and that is so true. Her experience in moving people to action shows throughout this brilliant book.” - Gail Kingsbury, Founder Real Wisdom TV and the Gail Kingsbury Group</p><p>
</p><p>“Once again Wendy Lipton-Dibner shows her brilliance and her mastery! Her book "Focus On Impact" is so exciting because it’s easy to read, clear and concise. She gives you a step by step map that tells you exactly what to do to get what you want, exactly the way you want it. So if you’re just beginning your journey or well along your way, "Focus On Impact" will have something for you. This book is a must read for everyone who wants to create the life of their dreams!” - Lorna DiMeo, MSW, Success On Purpose, Inc. FreePowerSong.com</p><p>
</p><p>Ready to meet your impactful self? Then allow Wendy Lipton-Dibner to facilitate the introduction. Lipton-Dibner’s impact is her ability to show you how to discover, distinguish and deliver your uniqueness onto a world that sorely needs you. She’s been live-teaching her curriculum to groups for decades, but now her organized, time-tested, scientifically backed Action Formula and action steps are available, for the first time ever, in an amazing book: her just-released "Focus On Impact". Lipton-Dibner asks probing questions; she challenges you; she coaches you; she lifts you out of silly fears. She generously shares her vast business and marketing experience, making it easy for you to roll back the fog and unleash the wonderful, real, impact-driven you. Read her book, and then go for it, because she is giving you the gift of you. There’s never been a more wonderfully organized way to plan your future, your career and your life. - Patty Soffer #1 International Bestselling Author, Small Business Coach & Brand Strategist PattySoffer.com </p><p>
</p><p>"’Focus on impact and the money will come,’ says Wendy, who learnt by losing her say. What a blessing that was! Wendy's impact now crosses continents, as did I, to learn from this amazingly talented lady. If making a difference inspires you, take the City Tour using the Focus On Impact Map to discover your unique gifts. Well-designed worksheets awaken you to the essence within, showing how to live a prosperous and impactful life on purpose. Whether you're just starting out or established in business, this book will light your fire!” - Janet Swift #1 International Bestselling Author, Life Dynamics Coach JanetSwift.com</p><p>
</p><p>“When you ask the right questions you get the answers you need to launch you and your business in the right direction. "Focus On Impact" is the definitive guide to helping you find and reach your right direction. Following the process laid out in this seminal work by Wendy Lipton-Dibner, enables anyone who is willing to do the work to achieve their goals of making a difference while living the life they design. Wendy guides the reader step by step to unlocking their unique gift and then how to launch their business into the world. I highly recommend this book. It is an invaluable resource for today, tomorrow and ten years from now.” - Laura Steward, Business Strategist, Award-Winning, International Bestselling Author, Radio Host LauraSteward.com</p><p>
</p><p>“Focus On Impact" is a masterpiece of brilliance for succeeding in today’s economy. Wendy Lipton-Dibner proves once again that she is committed to impact and she walks her talk with specific steps and actions to be successful. Following Wendy’s advice can truly result in living the life of your dreams. The reader will find this book to be a groundbreaking experience.” - Barry Laub, CFP, International Bestselling Author, BarryLaub.com</p><p>
</p><p>“A must have book if you want to make a difference! If you are truly wanting to make a difference in your life and the lives of others, this is a ‘must have’ book that you will read over and over, along with supporting ‘homework’ and resources you will turn to repeatedly, as you move toward your ultimate goals. Wendy is truly the ‘Impresario of Impact’, and eager to teach you to make your own impact. As a psychiatrist transitioning into the world of writing and speaking, I have taken many courses, read many books and educated myself into an overload of confusion and dead ends. There are many experts out there with their particular skills they teach, but somehow that wasn’t helping me get it together. Wendy, on the other hand, is dead on in the way she has put together this book as a roadmap of how to first figure out who you really want to be and what you really want to do, and then get there step by step. With a lifetime of experience making impact. . .she shares with warmth, humor and human understanding the path she has taken to success. The lessons she learned are now passed on to you to aid in your journey. Her approach has the simplicity one finds in true genius---boiling things down to their simplest basic fundamentals so it is easy to grasp them and build on them. . .With Wendy guiding you, your journey will be limited only by your own desire and imagination, and she provides plenty of tools to help you examine those as well.” - Judy Cook, MD, author of "To Die or Not to Die, Ten Tricks to Getting Better Medical Care." GoDrJudy.com</p><p>
</p><p>“If you are a Difference-Maker---someone more interested in leaving your world a better place than you found it, "Focus On Impact" will provide the strategy and tactics to maximize your influence. Wendy Lipton-Dibner has drawn a detailed map and has included turn-by-turn instructions to take YOU to your destiny and turn your dreams into reality. Wendy is a veteran traveler---she's been down this road multiple times and has led many high-impact Difference-Makers on their own expeditions to success. And most remarkable of all, she generously shares her secret formula to anyone with the motivation to "Focus On Impact.” - Timothy W. Boden, CMPE ClarifyYourStory.com</p><p>
</p><p>“I knew I was a difference-maker. My clients and colleagues tell me so. What I did not know is how I could do more, both for my clients and for myself. "Focus On Impact" is such a generous book. In her usual style, Wendy gives of herself and from the heart. Each page is a small gift. Now that I have a better understanding of what has not been working, I can focus on impacting more lives and better capitalize on my efforts.” - Michelle A. Riklan, Managing Director, Riklan Resources, RiklanResources.com</p><p>
</p><p>“Wendy Lipton-Dibner has a knack for being able to reverse engineer her and others' success and then to teach it to you so you know what to do, how to do it, AND give you the tools to get it done. In "Focus On Impact", she captures her live coaching style with an elegance that you feel Wendy jump off the page. It is my fervent wish that you too get to work personally with Wendy. But until that time, this book lets you experience her mastery for yourself so you can make your biggest impact. - Dr. A. Kumar Ramlall, MD, FRCPC, FAAP, FCCP, Co-Founder, Chintan Project, Founder, InspiroMed Clinics, Clinical Associate Professor, University of Alberta</p><p>
</p><p>“Harness the power that you know more than you think, where you are capable of far more than you know. Let Wendy teach you how to truly share your gift with the world to focus on the impact of your legacy.” - Dr. Cheryl Lentz, The Academic Entrepreneur</p><p>
</p><p>“Wendy's mastery of the human mindset, positions her as one of, if not the best, business leaders in today's market. Her IMPACT is perfection and if implemented, brings more to your life than can ever be imagined.” - Katerina St. Claire, International bestselling author katerinastclaire.com </p><p>
</p><p>“As the founder of Total Image Institute, I teach women to make an impact with their clothing, body language, and speech, so the roadmap that Wendy shares in "Focus On Impact" has been instrumental in elevating my impact with the women I work with, and therefore the results that my clients experience are exponentially higher!” - Colleen Hammond, Founder, Total Image Institute</p><p>
</p><p>"No one knows how to organize information like Wendy Lipton-Dibner. She's thorough and clear in the sharing of her decades worth of experience and knowledge so that the reader has a blueprint to follow step by step. Her emphasis on IMPACT rather than getting myopic around only bottom line dollars breathes new life into pursuing one's passion. When your WHY is fully honored and you have the tools for creating the kind of impact you want, that's power and creates the real success. Wendy lays it all out for you here." - Lynn Rose, CEO of The WOW Factor and Launch You Now LynnRose.com</p><p>
</p><p>“This book is absolutely relevant and articulate in its one simple truth: ‘Focus On Impact, the money will follow.’ Wendy elegantly guides you down a path, step-by-step, mapping the terrain as she goes using her own valuable life lessons in a succinct and personally revealing manner in order to provide clear and powerful instruction on how to make your unique mark in this world.” - Rose Sheehan, business mentor, professional speaker, #1international bestselling author RoseSheehan360.com</p><p>
</p><p>“#1 International Bestselling Author, Wendy Lipton-Dibner, does it once again with a book that is nothing short of inspiring, thought-provoking and absolutely brilliant! "Focus On Impact" is one of those rare treasures that will make you wish you had gotten your hands on a copy sooner. Wendy is not only the original advocate but also the world’s greatest cheerleader for anyone interested in making a true impact on the world. For the first time in print, Wendy details her Focus On Impact Map which is a step-by-step comprehensive model that will teach you how to reset your mindset and trust it to work for you by harnessing your power to impact people’s lives. When you follow Wendy’s map, you will quickly be on the road to wealth AND a life by design---All while making making a measurable impact on every life you touch. This book is for anyone focused on making a difference but be warned. . .once you crack the spine, you will not want to set it down!” - Pat Skiffington, international bestselling author, CEO, Keller Williams Classic Realty Group, Orlando, FL PatSkiffington.com</p><p>
</p><p>“BRILLIANT! This book, a MUST read for anyone with a passion to make a difference, offers practical tips to help you discover your own unique gift of impact along with a comprehensive and strategic step-by-step map to guide you on your personal journey to build a business with rippling impact beyond your wildest imagination!” - Babs Kangas, PhD, founder of freefunandfabulous.com</p><p>
</p><p>“Focus On Impact" is a game-changer! If you are ready to make a difference and change lives, this is a MUST READ! The easy to follow map provides step-by-step strategies for success in serving.” Cathy Alessandra, #YESICAN Coach CathyAlessandra.com</p>