<p>From the reviews:</p><p>“We strongly recommend the monograph for applied mathematicians, researchers in different field of engineering and graduate students planning their further study in the field of functional differential equations. … The book is well organized, easy to read; senior undergraduate students will be able to follow the proofs and explanations. The monograph could be one of the basic handbooks consulted for studying and understanding functional differential equations and their oscillation theory.” (Haydar Akca, Zentralblatt MATH, Vol. 1253, 2013)</p><p>“The book under review complements the theory of delay equations by mainly focusing on nonoscillation, and its relation with stability, boundary value problems, and some other close subjects. It is completely self-contained. … This book is a useful and good reference for researchers in qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations … . It can also be useful as a textbook or to initiate research in the subject.” (Başak Karpuz, Mathematical Reviews, January, 2013)</p>