Introduction Methodology A Preliminary Demarcation of the Field Part One: ORIENTATION: MAJOR TRENDS IN NEW AGE RELIGION 1. Channeling A Brief Characteristic Channeling as Articulated Revelations Channeling Modes and Developmental Processes The Sources (Edgar Cayce; Eva Pierrakos; Jane Roberts; A Course in Miracles; David Spangler, Ramala; JZ Knight; Sanaya Roman; Shirley MacLaine) 2. Healing and Personal Growth The Alternative Therapies Healing as a Religious Phenomenon Main Currents The Sources (Eva Pierrakos; Ken Keyes, Leonard Orr & Sondra Ray; Shakti Gawain; Sanaya Roman; Henry Reed/Edgar Cayce; Jean Houston; Stanislav Grof; Ken Wilbur; Michael Harner; Roger Walsh; Louise L. Hay; Chris Griscom; Shirley MacLaine; Fritjof Capra) 3. New Age Science The Quest for a Unified Worldview New Age Science as Naturphilosophie Main Orientations The Sources (David Bohm; F. David Peat; Michael Talbot; Ilya Prigogine; Erich Jantsch; Rupert Sheldrake; Fritjof Capra; Ken Wilbur; Arthur M. Young) 4. Neopaganism The Phenomenon of Neopaganism Neopaganism as Magic Main Orientations The Sources (Janet & Stewart Farrar; Vivianne Crowley; Starhawk; Zsuzsanna Budapest; Marian Green; Caitlin & John Matthews; Murry Hope) 5. New Age in a Restricted and in a General Sense Introduction An Historical Sketch New Age sensu stricto: The Mellenarian Vision New Age sensu lato The Sources ( David Spangler; George Trevelyan; Gary Zukav; Marilyn Ferguson; Fritjof Capra; Peter Russell; Willis Harman; Shirley MacLaine; Matthew Fox) Part Two: EXPOSITION: THE VARIETIES OF NEW AGE EXPERIENCE 6. The Nature of Reality 1. Introduction: Attitudes to Experiential Reality 2. The Meanings of Holism A. The Ultimate Source of Manifestation B. Universal Interrelatedness Parallellism and Bootstrap PhilosophyÂSystems ThinkingÂThe Holographic Paradigm C. Other Meanings of Holism 3. The Evolutionary Perspective 4. Some Additional Issues The Transcendence of Space-TimeÂMind and MatterÂThe Wilbur Controversy 7. Meta-Empirical and Human Beings 1. Introduction 2. Divine Beings A. God B. Christ 3. Intermediate Beings A. Beings of Amibiguous Status B. Entities, Angels, and Other Intermediate Beings 8. Matters of the Mind 1. Introduction 2. Human Beings A. The "I am God" Theme B. The Constitution of Human Beings The (Higher) SelfÂThe UnconsciousÂEgo and PersonalityÂSubtle BodiesÂThe Brain 3. The Metaphysics of Mind A. The Psychologization of Religion and Sacralization of Psychology B. Creating Our Own Reality The Law of Manifestation and its ImplicationsÂSelf-ResponsibilityÂThe Mechanics of Changing Reality ÂCreating Illness and Health C. Inner Realms Cartographies of ConsciousnessÂJourneys through Inner Space 9.Death and Survival 1. Introduction: The Experience of Death 2. Other Realities 3. Reincarnation and Beyond New Age Reincarnation and its AttractionsÂThe Process and "Mechanics" of ReincarnationÂPast-Life Recovery 10. Good and Evil 1. Introduction: The Paradox of Ethical Holism 2. The Structure of Cosmic Justice Non-Dual Ethics and the Problem of Relativism ÂEvolutionist Karma 3. The Negative Limited ConsciousnessÂPsychological "Negativities": Sin, Guilt, Fear 4. The Positive Holistic ConsciousnessÂThe Positive: Love, Surrender, Forgiveness 11. Visions of the Past 1. Introduction 2. Beginnings Cosmogonic MythsÂThe Descent of Man 3. From Atlantis to the Holy Land AtlantisÂEgypt and the "Great White Brotherhood"ÂThe Essenes and Jesus 4. The Age of Pisces ChristianityÂThe Rejection of ReincarnationÂCartesian/Newtonian Thinking 5. Historical Religious versus Universal Spirituality Exoteric ReligiousÂPerennial Wisdom 12. The New Age 1. Introduction 2. The Age of Aquarius The Timing of the New AgeÂThe "Pathos of Change"ÂThe "Moderate" New AgeÂThe Age of Light 3. The Shift from Old to New The Potentials of CrisesÂEvolution of ConsciousnessÂThe Human Contribution: Creating Critical MassÂImages of Intervention 4. Epilogue: Controversies over the New Age Seneu Lato Part Three: INTERPRETATION: NEW AGE RELIGION AND TRADITIONAL ESOTERICISM 13. Towards a Historical Perspective on New Age Religion 1. A Short Evaluation 2. Perspectives on the New Age Hans SebaldÂChristof SchorschÂJ. Gordon Melton (cum suis)ÂChristopher Bochinger 3. Desiderata for Academic Research 14. A Historical Framework 1. The Modern Hermeticist Revival and The Emergence of Western Esotericism A. "Esotericism" as Technical Terminology B. The Origins of Western Esotericism C. The Components of West Esotericism Philosophical Frameworks: Neoplatonism and HermeticismÂThe "Occult Sciences": Magic, Astrology, AlchemyÂThe Theosophical Component: Christian Kabbalah D. The Worldview of Western Esotericism 2. Esotericism between Renaissance and Enlightenment A. The "Inner Church" and Esotericism B. The Factor of Reformation "Spiritualism" 3. A Clash of Worldviews 15. The Mirror of Secular Thought 1. Esotericism Between Enlightenment and Counter-Enlightenment A. The Emergence of Romanticism B. The Emergence of Occultism Emanuel SwedenborgÂFranz Anton MesmerÂModern SpiritualismÂConclusion 2. The Impact of the Study of Religions A. The Theosophical Synthesis Proto-Theosophical PerspectivesÂThe New Theosophy B. The Orient and American Transcendentalism 3. Evolution as Religion A. The "Metaphysical" Context B. The Theosophical Context Spiritual Progress after DeathÂReincarnationÂThe Law of Evolution 4. The Psychologization of Esotericism A. Harmonial Religion American Mesmerism and the Rise of New ThoughtÂFunctionalist PsychologyÂHarmonial Religion and the Sacralization of the Psyche B. Carl Gustav Jung Jung and German RomanticismÂThe Cult of the Interior SunÂGnosticism, Alchemy, and Jungian Psychology 16. Conclusions: The New Age Movement and the Nature of New Age Religion New Age as Culture CriticismÂNew Age as Secularized EsotericismÂA Final Problem: The Demarcation in TimeÂPostscript Appendix: Primary New Age Sources (in alphabetical order) Bibliography Index of Subjects Index of Names
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