This to me is an inspiring approach to animal treatment and indeed a book I will keep for future reference. Publisher Hubble and Hattie in their usual excellent manner have used superb photos, an easy to use and understand layout and an easy read and reference style. It is excellent in all aspects and a book no dog or cat lover should really be without. - Dog Training Weekly. [This book] is a great present choice for any pet owner this Christmas. Like all the books from specialist pet publishers Hubble and Hattie it's a stylish and attractive volume that looks good, as well as providing valuable advice and health information. - Driving with Dogs. A comprehensive book that is highly relevant (even indispensable) to every dog and cat carer. The one book that no dog or cat lover should be without! - Australian Cat Lover. A vibrant testament to the dedication of Dr. Lise Hansen who believes that the very act of seeing an animal requires an obligation to stay well informed ... An invaluable guide. - Geelong U3A Dog Handling Skills Class. I am delighted with the content, presentation, and style of this book. This is, at last, a care book that I can enthusiastically recommend to my clients. - Sarah Fox Chapman MS, DVM, MRCVS, VetMFHom. A complete and comprehensive guide to health care for cats and dogs, written by a qualified veterinarian, providing invaluable advice on essential aspects of care. - Dogs NSW. The information in this book will help maintain good health, or offer help during an illness. - Your Cat. Comprehensive and thoroughly 'user friendly' in organisation and presentation. - Midwest Book Review. This book is undoubtedly a valuable addition to any dog (or cat) owner's library ... This is a very interesting and informative book by a very experienced vet, and could be of great help in increasing the healthy lifespan of our much loved pets. - APDT UK. --- this is my favourite book of the year - it’s easy to read, understand, and navigate and covers so many important topics - Westies & Besties