The text offers considerable detail on how exposure therapy can be individualized and adapted to many different situations. What is particularly interesting here is that the authors address ways patients can be helped to confront not only problem situations (for example, public speaking) but also problematic negative thoughts (for example, "People are not as caring as I want them to be") and memories (such as those associated with PTSD). Recommended. Lower-division undergraduates through faculty and professionals.
[This book] shares the secrets that every successful exposure therapist knows. The authors, rock stars of exposure therapy, explain the principles clearly, offer explicit guidelines to put them into action, and present clinical examples to bring these principles to life. This volume covers everything from assessment through treatment to termination, including suggestions of assessment instruments. It is very engaging, practical, and well written and details real life situations such as when medications are involved in exposure therapy. Every clinician who treats a patient with anxiety should read this cover to cover, and it will help them provide better treatment for the rest of their therapeutic lives.
Barbara O. Rothbaum, PhD, ABPP, Professor in Psychiatry, Director, Veterans Program and Trauma and Anxiety Recovery Program, Paul A. Janssen Chair in Neuropsychopharmacology, Associate Vice Chair of Clinical Research, Emory University School of Medicine
Personalized Exposure Therapy belongs in the hands of every clinician who wants to treat fear-based disorders successfully. In clear language, Smits, Powers, and Otto bring the principles of exposure therapy to life, with compelling case examples and a clearly articulated rationale. Clinicians of all levels will find a wealth of useful, practical information in this book.
David F. Tolin, PhD, Director, Anxiety Disorders Center, The Institute of Living, and author of Doing CBT: A Comprehensive Guide to Working with Behaviors, Thoughts, and Emotions
This book describes cutting-edge advances in cognitive science and integrates them with what is known from intensive clinical study to help clinicians design and provide the kind of treatment patients with anxiety disorders most need. At every step, the conceptual understanding is grounded in the examples, scripts, and handouts that make this book 'session ready' for clinicians and their patients. Unlike some manuals, this book is not a session-by-session treatment manual. Instead, it provides a comprehensive perspective on the principles and procedures behind exposure interventions.
Edna B. Foa, PhD, Professor in Psychiatry and Director of the Center for the Treatment and Study of Anxiety, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine