Qualitative research has seen a surge of growth during the past decade. This is in large part because positivist approaches have not yielded the kinds of results that had been anticipated, and more researchers are seeking alternative perspectives to understand phenomena. The number of researchers using qualitative approaches continues to grow, yet there are few up-to-date guides to assist thinking broadly about qualitative research as a field of inquiry.
Over the decades the range of approaches has increased, which has led to an even greater lack of certainty about how to think about doing qualitative research. In considering key issues while offering practical guidance on how to work within the face of uncertainty, this book will be a valuable resource to this next generation of researchers.
New Approaches to Qualitative Research offers:
- a clear understanding of the range of issues related to researcher stance, the way that researchers position themselves in relation to their subjects, their participants, and their own belief systems, and the way in which they locate themselves across the qualitative paradigm
- an overview of some of the most cutting-edge qualitative techniques in use today: from the exploration of visual texts to the concept of inquiry to synthesis methods, this section lays out the state of the art in methodology
- specific information regarding processes of data analysis, synthesis and interpretation that are employed in these various approaches.
In this book, the authors take the stance that qualitative research is a broad approach that encompasses and even encourages difference and uncertainty, and here at last they provide a route-map to this uncertain but fruitful line of inquiry. This vital text is ideal for professional researchers and postgraduates in a range of subject areas.
The authors take the stance that qualitative research is a broad approach that encompasses and encourages difference and uncertainty, and provide a routemap to this uncertain but fruitful line of inquiry.
@contents: Preface 1. Introduction Maggi Savin-Baden and Claire Howell Major Part I: Stances 2. Positioning Positionality: The Reflexive Turn Glynis Cousin 3. Values and Virtues in Qualitative Research Bruce Macfarlane 4. Re-Locating Truths in the Qualitative Research Paradigm Lana Van Niekerk and Maggi Savin-Baden 5. Imagining Intersectionality and the Spaces in Between Rebecca Ropers-Huilman and Kelly T. Winters 6. Taking a Stance Madeleine Duncan and Ruth Watson Part II: Methodologies and Methods 7. Writing Ethnodrama Johnny Saldaña 8. Narrative Theory and the Construction of Qualitative Texts Julia Colyar and Karri Holley 9. Multimodality, Visual Methodologies and Higher Education Lesley Gourlay 10. Participatory Action Research Katherine Wimpenny 11. Deliberative Inquiry Heather Kanuka 12. Qualitative Research Synthesis Claire Howell Major and Maggi Savin-Baden Part III: Places and Spaces 13. Locating Space in Qualitative Research Paddy O’Toole 14. Listening Spaces Theresa Lorenzo 15. The Politics of Space in Qualitative Research Aaron M. Kuntz 16. Urban Ethnography Kristanm. Venegas and Adrian H. Huerta 17. Researching in Immersive Spaces Maggi Savin-Baden, Lesley Gourlay and Cathy Tombs Afterword Maggi Savin-Baden and Claire Major
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Maggi Savin-Baden is Professor of Higher Education Research at Coventry University, UK.
Claire Howell Major is Professor of Higher Education at the University of Alabama, US.