<p><strong>'The promise of online learning and networking for personal and professional development in health and social care is strong. But the practicality, experience and scalability is so far patchy. Julie Santy and Liz Smith offer us real and direct hype-reduction. Read and go internet-forth - here you have a great contribution to e-partaking.' </strong>– <em>Gilly Salmon, Professor of E-learning and Learning Technologies, University of Leicester</em></p><p><strong>‘This is a welcome addition in an era when both students and lecturers are expected to embrace the world of technology within a learning context.’ </strong>– <em>Nurse Education Today</em></p>
<p><strong>'The promise of online learning and networking for personal and professional development in health and social care is strong. But the practicality, experience and scalability is so far patchy. Julie Santy and Liz Smith offer us real and direct hype-reduction. We can engage in e-learning and look to the outcomes in terms of our patients and our clients. Read and go internet-forth - here you have a great contribution to e-partaking. Pitch in!'</strong> - <em>Gilly Salmon, Professor of E-learning and Learning Technologies, University of Leicester</em></p>