What seems to set this book apart for many is the critical approach taken by the authors regarding pros and cons of the various treatments. In that regard, the book is refreshing and, I think, very useful for practitioners and researchers in the targeted areas of mood anxiety and cognitive disorders.
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
Summarizing the pharmacotherapy of mood, anxiety and cognitive disorders in one volume is a tall order. Keeping the material up-to-date and achieving the right mix of theory and practice is even more difficult. To a large extent, the editors of this volume have achieved these goals, and for that they are to be commended.
Psychiatric Times
This is a wonderful book about psychopharmacology and pharmacological treatment methods of mood, anxiety, and cognitive disorders. It is also a rich source of references. I highly recommend it.
Doody's Health Sciences Book Review Journal
With the proliferation of new drugs and how-to manuals for medication management by self-proclaimed experts, it is refreshing to read a book by leading thinkers in the field that stands back with some humility and surveys the landscape of current pharmacotherapy.
Psychiatric Services