About the Book Develop problem-solving skills Preparing for Problem Solving Is a list of items designed to draw students’ attention back to the major ideas in the chapter and to the practical skills modeled there, before students work on the end-of-chapter problems. Located between the Chapter Summary and the end-of-chapter problems, the list identifies the specific knowledge and skills required to answer chapter problems. Collaboration and Discussion problems encourage student collaboration and appear in end-of-chapter problem sets. Whether assigned as homework or as part of flipped classroom activities, these exercises offer an array of opportunities for comprehensive and hands-on problem solving by small groups of students working together. Engage students with applications of genetics and key content updates Five Application Chapters explore highly relevant, engaging topics in human genetics to illustrate some of the practical uses of genetics and genetic analysis. These short chapters are spaced periodically throughout the book to follow related prerequisite material. Every Application Chapter opens with a story that exemplifies why the topic of the chapter is important, and each contains several end-of-chapter problems to guide student learning and discussion. The topics of the chapters are: Genetic Counseling, Human Genetic Screening, Cancer Genetics, Human Evolutionary Genetics, and Forensic Genetics. Several chapters are revised to reflect changes in approaches to genetic analysis. In Chapter 5 (“Genetic Linkage and Mapping in Eukaryotes”), the discussion of mapping of molecular genetic markers has been substantially expanded. Chapter 13 (“Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes”) is revised to feature more discussion of epigenetic regulation and the roles of epigenetic readers, writers, and erasers. Chapter 14 (“Analysis of Gene Function by Forward Genetics and Reverse Genetics”) and Chapter 15 (“Recombinant DNA Technology and Its Application”) include greatly detailed coverage of the CRISPR—Cas9 system and its applications in gene editing. Chapter 16 (“Genomics: Genetics from a Whole-Genome Perspective”) and Chapter 18 (“Developmental Genetics”) have both undergone substantial revision to feature genomic approaches. Chapter updates include timely new information that became available just as writing was being completed.Examples include the discussion in Chapter 7 (“DNA Structure and Replication”) of the apparently stochastic pattern of DNA replication initiation in E. coli that was described in mid-2017; and the description in Application Chapter C (“Cancer Genetics”) of the CAR-T cell method for treating certain cancers that was recommended for approved by a panel of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in mid-2017.Online Chapter: The Integration of Genetic Approaches: Understanding Sickle Cell Disease (previously Chapter 10 in the second edition) can be accessed through Mastering Genetics or in a custom version of this text. Help students distill the most important “Take Home” lessons Caption Queries for selected figures in the book help students dissect the illustrated content and more fully understand its meaning and importance. Some Caption Queries require the student to solve a problem using information from the figure, some require an explanation be provided, and others ask students to expand on the information or idea in the figure. Caption Queries for all book figures are available as clicker questions for classroom use and assignable as homework in Mastering Genetics. Also available with Mastering Genetics Mastering™ is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools developed to engage students and emulate the office-hour experience, Mastering personalizes learning and improves results for each student. With a wide range of interactive, engaging, and assignable activities, students are encouraged to actively learn and retain tough course concepts. Learn more about Mastering Genetics. Dynamic Study Modules (DSMs) help students study effectively on their own by continuously assessing their activity and performance in real time and adapting to their level of understanding. Students complete a set of questions with a unique answer format that also asks them to indicate their confidence level of confidence in their answer. Questions repeat until the student can answer them all correctly and confidently. These are available as graded assignments prior to class, and accessible on smartphones, tablets, and computers. Instructors can now remove questions from Dynamic Study Modules to better fit their course. Tutorials have been added to the library on topics like CRISPR—Cas, to help students master important and challenging concepts. Pearson eText, optimized for mobile, seamlessly integrates videos and other rich media with the text andgives students access to their textbook anytime, anywhere. Pearson eText is available with Mastering Genetics when packaged with new books, or as an upgrade students can purchase online. The Pearson eText mobile app offers:Offline access on most iOS and Android phones/tablets.Accessibility (screen-reader ready)Configurable reading settings, including resizable type and night reading modeInstructor and student note-taking, highlighting, bookmarking, and search toolsEmbedded videos for a more interactive learning experience Check out the preface for a complete list of features and what's new in this edition.
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