This book is a veritable treasure trove...The book is written in an extremely clear, mostly nontechnical style.
Lab Times
The book should be a welcome addition to the shelves of academics and students in the biological sciences, as well as medical practitioners for whom it was primarily intended.
Jerzy M. Behnke Parasites & Vectors
...this book will stimulate fresh thinking and new approaches to traditional medical problems
The New England Journal of Medicine
The chapters are well-organized and refreshingly free of jargon, with good flow across the diverse range of topics.
American Journal of Human Biology
This splendid book, will not only delight biologists (both established and apprentice) but also help medical students to appreciate biological issues underlying their future craft.
Biologist magazine
This second edition is a welcome addition to the growing integration of the biomedical sciences. As an evolutionary biologist, I found myself grateful more than once that these well organized summary articles on so many disciplines connected to evolutionary biology and geomics could be found between only two covers!
Lee F Greer, Doody's Notes
The second edition of "Evolution in Health and Disease"(S.C. Stearns and J.C. Koella, editors) Provides a timely update that should help to further energize this interdisciplinary paradigm...[...] The coverage in "Evolution in health and disease" is broad, ranging from infectious to chronic disease and microbial genomics to life-history theory. "EVolution in health and disease"provides compelling evidence that and evolutionary perspective can lead to important and novel insights into issues relevant to human health.
Trends in Ecology and Evolution