‘Editors have succeeded in creating a scientific book that is also a work of art. Highly recommended. All Academic, general, and professional readers.’
- D. Landry-Hyde, Choice Magazine, vol 50:02:2012
‘The Atlas takes a unique, comparative research project and allows anybody to understand it. The result is a visually stunning and delightful piece of work that mixes serious issues with the ease and pleasure of a coffee-table art book.’
- Rachel L. Johnstone, Journal Nordic-Mediterraneum: Icelandic e-journal, vol8:01:2013
<p>‘<em>The Circumpolar Health Atlas</em> is unusual in that it could sit on one’s coffee table to be dipped into when one felt the need to gaze at a pleasing arctic image or map, or to be surprised by a fact that one did not know before. However, it could be equally at home in a middle or high school, on a college curriculum, and not the least, on a scholarly bookshelf as a useful reference work.’</p>
- Astrid E.J. Ogilvie, Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research vol 45:01:2013
<p>‘<em>Circumpolar Health Atlas</em> shines in its visual and general appeal and simplicity of design… I would consider this book an exceptional gift. It was a treat to review and I would recommend it highly for the circumpolar enthusiast as well as any interested citizen.’</p>
- Colleen M. Davidson, Arctic; June 2013