Meet Adam - a young boy with AS. Adam invites young readers to learn about AS from his perspective. He helps children understand the difficulties faced by a child with AS - he tells them what AS is, what it feels like to have AS and how they can help children with AS by understanding their differences and appreciating their many talents. This illustrated book is ideally suited for boys and girls between 7 and 15 years old and also serves as an excellent starting point for family and classroom discussions.
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Meet Adam, a young boy with AS. He helps children understand the difficulties faced by a child with AS, telling them what AS is, how it feels to have AS and how they can help by understanding their differences and appreciating their many talents. This illustrated book is an excellent starting point for family and classroom discussions.
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Acknowledgements. Foreword, Elizabeth Newson, Early Years Diagnostic Centre. 1. Introducing Adam, who has Asperger Syndrome. 2. Reading feelings. 3. Tones of voice. 4. Playing with others. 5. Loud noises. 6. Confusing groups. 7. Unexpected change. 8. Motor skills. 9. Special interests. 10. What is Asperger Syndrome? 11. How to help. Recommended reading, websites and organizations. Blank, for your notes.
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This little gem of a book is intended to be shared by parents or a child with Asperger's Syndrome with friends, family and school professionals and peers so that they may understand asperger Syndrome. [It] could be a very effective tool in establishing understanding and a circle of friends for a child with Asperger's syndrome aged 6 -12. It includes simple but charming illustrations by artist, Jane Telford, and an excellent list of resources at the end of the book. This book packs a lot of wisdom and information into a small package.
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An illustrated introduction to AS for children, family and classrooms


Jessica Kingsley Publishers
91 gr
228 mm
154 mm
12 mm
00, G, JC, P, 01, 02, 06
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Jude Welton has a 10-year-old son with AS. Although originally trained as a child psychologist specializing in autism, she is a freelance writer, writing mainly on the arts. She recently started writing about and for children with AS. Jane Telford is a long-time friend of the author. She is an artist and illustrator, who has exhibited paintings and drawings widely in the UK and also internationally.