Fully updated for a new edition, this landmark work provides a comprehensive approach to microsurgical anatomy and the details involved in harvesting vascularized tissue from multiple body donor sites. The new edition includes 22 recently developed donor sites and harvesting procedures, including perforator flaps based on the deep inferior epigastric artery, superior and inferior gluteal arteries, thoracodorsal artery, lateral circumflex femoral artery, and many others. More than 700 colorful illustrations and step-by-step guidance for designing and harvesting surgical free flaps makes the book easy to understand and use. The authors offer authoritative perspectives on clinical indications, as well as advantages and disadvantages, of donor sites.
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Provides a comprehensive approach to microsurgical anatomy and the details involved in harvesting vascularized tissue from multiple body donor sites. This edition includes more than 700 colorful illustrations and step-by-step guidance for designing and harvesting surgical free flaps.
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Introduction Definitions Exposures of Recipient Vessels Microsurgical Anatomy and its Variations Donor Sites Flap Design Harvesting Techniques Comment and Insights Part 1 Upper Extremity Chapter 1 Shoulder, Arm, and Axilla Deltoid Flap Medial Arm Flap Lateral Arm Flap Posterior Arm Flap Recipient Site Exposure Bibliograghy Chapter 2 Forearm Region Forearm Flaps Radial Forearm Flap Radial Forearm Flap for Penile Reconstruction Reversed Radial Forearm Island Flap Radial Forearm Osteocutaneous Flap Radial Forearm Tendinocutaneous Flap Hybrid Radial Forearm Flap Ulnar Forearm Flap Interosseous Forearm Flap Posterior Interosseous Flap (Posterior Forearm Flap) Reversed Posterior Interosseous Flap Reverse Posterior Interosseous Osteocutaneous Flap Anterior Interosseous Flap (Dorsal Wrist Flap) Recipient Site Exposure Bibliograghy Chapter 3 Hand and Wrist Anatomy of the Radial Artery- Deep Palmar Arch System Anatomy of the Ulnar Artery-Superficial Palmar Arch System Recipient Site Exposure Bibliograghy Part 2 Lower Extremity Chapter 4 Gluteal Region Gluteus Maximus Flap Superior Gluteus Myocutaneous Flap Gluteal Thigh Flap (based on inferior glutea vessels) Vascularized Iliac Bone Graft (based on deep branch of superior glutea vessels) Superior Gluteal Artery Perforator (S-GAP) Flap Inferior Gluteal Artery Perforator Flap (I-GAP Flap Recipient Site Exposure Bibliograghy Chapter 5 GROIN REGION Groin Flaps Superficial Circumflex Iliac (SCIA) Flap (or Illiofemoral Flap) Iliac Flap Osteocutaneous Groin Flap (based on the SCIA) Composite Groin Flap with Tendon Transfer Superficial Inferior Epigastric (SIEA) Flap (or Lower Abdominal Flap) FourthLumbar Artery Iliac Flap Vascularized Iliac Bone Graft Vascularized Iliac Bone Graft (based on the deep circumflex iliac artery) Iliac Osteocutaneous Flap (based on the deep circumflex iliac artery) Internal Oblique Flap Bibliograghy Chapter 6 Thigh Region Gracilis Flap Gracilis Muscle Flap Gracilis Myocutaneous Flap Tensor Fasciae Latae Flap Tensor Fasciae Latae Myocutaneous Flap Tensor Fasciae Latae Osteomyocutaneous Flap Rectus Femoris Flap Rectus Femoris Muscle Flap Rectus Femoris Myocutaneous Flap Medial Thigh Flap Lateral Thigh Flap Anteromedial Thigh Flap Anterolateral Thigh (ALT) Flap Anterolateral Lateral Thigh Fasciocutaneous Flap ALT Septofasciocutaneous Flap ALT Perforator Fasciocutaneous Flap ALT Cutaneous Flap Vastus Lateralis Myocutaneous Flap Composite ALT Flap with Tendon Transfer Chimeric ALT Flap Flow-Through ALT Flap Sensate ALT Flap Recipient Site Exposures Bibliography Chapter 7 Lower Leg & Knee Fibula and Adjacent Tissue Transfer Vascularized Fibula Bone Graft Peroneal Flap (Lateral Leg Skin Flap) Fibular Osteocutaneous Flap Fibular Osteomuscular Transfer (with the Soleus Muscle) Gastrocnemius Flap Medial Gastrocnemius Muscle Flap Lateral Gastrocnemius Muscle Flap Saphenous Flap Anterior Tibial Flap Reverse Anterior Tibial Island Flap Medial Leg Flap Posterior Leg Flap Recipient Site Exposures Bibliography Chapter 8 Ankle And Foot Dorsalis Pedis Flap Dorsalis Pedis Skin Flap Dorsalis Pedis Osteocutaneous Flap with Second Metatarsal Dorsalis Pedis Tendinocutaneous Flap with Extensor Tendons Extensor Digitorum Brevis Muscle Flap Medial Plantar Flap Free Toe and Toe Tissue Transfers Free Big Toe Transfer Free Second Toe Transfer First Web Space Skin Flap Wrap-Around Flap Modified Wrap-Around Flap Free Pulp Flap Vascularized Joint Transfer Free Metatarsophalangeal Joint Transfer of the Second Toe Second and Third Toe Transfer En Bloc Recipient Site Exposures Bibliography Part 3 Trunk Chapter 9 Thorax Pectoralis Major Flap Pectoralis Major Muscle Flap Pectoralis Major Myocutaneous Flap Pectoralis Major Osteomyocutaneous Flap Clavicular Segment of the Pectoralis Major Muscle Flap Pectoralis Minor Muscle Flap Serratus Anterior Flap Serratus Anterior Muscle Flap Serratus Anterior Myocutaneous Flap Composite Serratus-Latissimus Muscle Flap Serratus Anterior Costo-Osteomuscular Flap Revascularized Costal Bone Graft and Intercostal Flap Vascularized Rib Graft (Based on the Posterior Intercostal Artery) Lateral Intercostal Skin Flap Posterior Costal Osteocutaneous Flap Vascularized Rib Graft (Based on the Anterior Intercostal Artery) Anterior Costal Osteocutaneous Flap Lateral Thoracic Flap (Axillary Flap) Bibliography Chapter 10 Abdominal Wall And Cavity Rectus Abdominis Flap Rectus Abdominis Muscle Flap (Based on DIEA) Rectus Abdominis Myocutaneous Flap (Based on DIEA) Lower Transverse Rectus Abdominis Myocutaneous Flap (Lower TRAM Flap) Modified Lower Tram Flap Thoracoumbilical Flap Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator (DIEP) Flap Modified DIEP Flap Greater Omentum Transfer Free Omentum Transfer Extending Greater Omentum Composite Flap of Stomach and Omentum Free Jejunum Transfer Recipient Site Exposures Bibliography Chapter 11 Back Latissimus Dorsi Flap Latissimus Dorsi Muscle Flap Latissimus Dorsi Myocutaneous Flap Bilobed Split Latissimus Dorsi Flap Lateral Split Latissimus Dorsi Flap Rib-Latissimus Dorsi Osteomyocutaneous Flap Scapular Bone-Latissimus Dorsi Osteomuscular Flap Thoracodorsal Artery Perforator (TAP) Flap Scapular and Parascapular Flap Scapular Flap Parascapular Flap Scapular Osteocutaneous Flap Scapular and Parascapular Combined Flap Scapular and Latissimus Dorsi Combined Flap Bibligraphy Part 4 HEAD AND NECK Chapter 12 Head And Neck Temporoparietal Flap Temporoparietal Fascia Flap Bilobed Temporal Fascia Flap Temporocalvarial Osteofascial Flap Free Scalp Skin Flap Free Scalp Skin Flap Superf icial Cervical Flap Superficial Cervical Flap Submental Flap Recipient Site Exposure Bibliograghy
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