Postcolonialism and the Law provides a long overdue delineation of the field of enquiry that engages with the legal programmes, structures, and procedures which have sustained Euro-North American supremacy on the international political stage for the past fifty years or so. Focusing on the relationship between law and the racial and colonial mechanisms of subjugation at work in the global present, the contributions assembled in this new four-volume collection from Routledge’s Critical Concepts in Law series attend to juridical apparatuses as they operate in concert with economic and ethical frameworks, procedures, and architectures. Instead of approaching law as a self-sufficient instrument of power, the gathered major works expose the complex deployment and operation of legal instruments and how they—along with economic mechanisms and ethical programmes—participate in the constitution of the political space shared by both former colonial powers and colonies.With a full index, together with a comprehensive introduction, newly written by the editors, which places the collected material in its historical and intellectual context, Postcolonialism and the Law is an essential work of reference. The collection will be particularly useful as a database allowing scattered and often fugitive material to be easily located. It will also be welcomed as a crucial tool permitting rapid access to less familiar—and sometimes overlooked—texts. For postcolonial theorists and lawyers, as well as those working in cognate disciplines, such as Critical Legal Studies, Ethics, Cultural Studies, Race and Ethnicity Studies, and Human Rights, it is certain to be valued as a vital one-stop research and pedagogic resource.
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Focusing on the relationship between law and the racial and colonial mechanisms of subjugation at work in the global present, the contributions assembled in this new 4 volume collection attend to juridical apparatuses as they operate in concert with economic and ethical frameworks, procedures, and architectures.
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Volume 1Part 1: Colonial Justification1. De las Casas, Bartolome, ‘A Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indies’ (Project Guttenberg EBooks, 1555)2. Locke, John, ‘Of Conquest’ in Second Treatise of Government (Cambridge, Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company) pp. 91-99.3. Vitoria, Francisco, ‘On the American Indians (De Indis)’ in Political Writings (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008) pp. 231-292 4. Blackstone, W ‘Commentaries on the Laws of England in Four Books’ 5. De Sepulveda, Juan Gines Democrates ‘Alter, or on the just causes of War against the Indians’ (5 pages). 6. de Vattel, E. ‘The Law of Nations’ 7. Schmitt, C. ‘The nomos of the earth in the international law of the Jus Publicum Europaeum’ (Telos Press Publishing, 2006) pp126-138.8. Anghie, A. ‘Francisco de Vitoria and the Colonial Origins of International Law’ Social and Legal Studies, 5, 1996, 321-336.Part 2: Key anti-colonial texts9. Fanon, Frantz, ‘Concerning Violence’ in The Wretched of the Earth (Translated by Constance Farringdon) (New York: Grove Press, 1963) pp. 35-94.10. Memmi, Albert, ‘Does the Colonial Exist?’ and ‘Conclusion’ in The Colonizer and the Colonized (New York: The Orion Press, 1965) pp. 3-13 and pp 145-153.11. Cesaire, Aime ‘Discourse on Colonialism’ in Discourse on Colonialism (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2000) pp. 31-53.12. Padmore, George, ‘George Padmore Archive.’ Excerpts: "Facism in the Colonies" (1938), 6 pages; Hands Off the Colonies (1938), 4 pages; and The British Empire is Worst Racket Yet Invented by Man" (1939).13. Lumumba, Patrice, ‘Patrice Lumumba Archive.’Excerpt: "Speech at the Ceremony of the Proclamation of the Congo’s Independence", 30 June 196014. Cabral, Amilcar, ‘Amilcar Cabral Archive.’Excerpts: *"Guinea and Cabo Verde Against Portuguese Colonialism" (Speech, Third Conference of African Peoples, Cairo 25-31 March 1961),*"National Liberation and Peace, cornerstones of Non-Alignment" (extract of Speech at the Second Conference of Heads of State and Governments of Non-Aligned Countries, 1964), *"The PAIGC Programme," 15. Nehru, J. ‘Speech to the Nation on the Day of Independence’Volume 2Part 3: Theorising the Postcolonial16. Wynter, Sylvia ‘Unsettling the Coloniality of Being/Power/Truth/Freedom. Towards the Human. After Man, Its Overrepresentation - An Argument’ CR: The New Centennial Review, 3 (3), Fall 2003: 257-337. 17. Pagden, Anthony ‘The Theory of Natural Slavery’ in The Fall of Natural Man (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986) pp.27-56 18. Fitzpatrick, Peter ‘The Mythology of Modern Law’ (London, New York: Routledge, 1992) pp63-91 19. Mbembe, A. (2008) ‘Necropolitics’ in Foucault in an Age of Terror (Palgrave Macmillan, 2008) pp. 152-182. 20. Ferreira da Silva, D. ‘No-bodies: Law, raciality and violence’ Griffith Law Review, 18(2), 2009, 212-236. 21. Quijano, A. ‘Coloniality of power and Eurocentrism in Latin America’ International Sociology, 15(2), 2000, 215-232. 22. Coulthard, G. ‘Subjects of empire: Indigenous Peoples and the politics of recognition in Canada’ Contemporary Political Theory 2007, 6: 437-460. 23. Bhandar, B. (2011) ‘Plasticity and post-colonial recognition: ‘owning, knowing and being’’ Law and Critique, 22(3), 2011, 227-249. Part 4: Sovereignty, Nation and Citizenship24. Motha, S ‘The Failure of Postcolonial Sovereignty in Australia’ Australian Feminist Law Journal 22, 2005, 107-125.25. Milner, N & Goldberg-Hiller, J ‘Feeble Echoes of the Heart: A Postcolonial Legal Struggle in Hawai`I’ Law, Culture and the Humanities June 2008 vol. 4 no. 2 224-247.26. Hanafin, P, 'Valorising the Virtual Citizen: The Sacrificial Grounds of Postcolonial Citizenship in Ireland', Law, Social Justice & Global Development Journal (2003).27. de Silva, R ‘Citizenship Law, Nationalism and the Theft of Enjoyment: A Post-Colonial Narrative’ Law Text Culture 4(2), 1998, 37-67.28. Strawson, J ‘Palestine's Basic Law: Constituting New Identities through Liberating Legal Culture’ 20 Loyola Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Review 20, 1997-1998, 411-432. 29. Seuffert, N., ‘Nation as Partnership: Law, Race, and Gender in Aotearoa New Zealand's Treaty Settlements’ 39 Law and Society Review 485 (2005) pp.485 to 526. 30. Llyod, D ‘Colonial Trauma/PostColonial Recovery?’ Interventions, 2000, 212-228.Volume 331. Peter Fitzpatrick and Eve Darian-Smith 'Laws of the Postcolonial: An Insistent Introduction' in Fitzpatrick and Darian-Smith (eds), Laws of the Postcolonial (1999) pp1-14.32. Purdy, J. (1996) ‘Postcolonialism: the Emperor's New Clothes?’ Social & Legal Studies, 5(3), 1996, pp405-426.33. Susan F Hirsch and Mindie Lazarus-Black 'Performance and Paradox: Exploring Law's Role in Hegemony and Resistance' in Lazarus-Black and Hirsch (eds), Contested States: Law, Hegemony, and Resistance (1994) pp1-21.34. Vidya S. A. Kumar ‘A Propleptic Approach to Postcolonial Legal Studies? A Brief Look at the Relationship Between Legal Theory and Intellectual History’, 2 Law Social Justice and Global Development Journal, 2003.35. Baxi, Upendra ‘Postcolonial Legality’, in Ray, Sangeeta and Swartz, Henry (eds) A Companion to Postcolonial Studies (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers), 2000, 540-555.36. Roy, A. (2008), ‘Postcolonial Theory and Law: A Critical Introduction’, Adelaide Law Review, 29, 2008: 315–57.37. Pahuja, S. ‘Postcoloniality of International Law’, The Harvard International Law Journal, 46, 2005, 459-469. 38. Otto, D. ‘Subalternity and international law: the problems of global community and the incommensurability of difference’ Social & Legal Studies, 5(3), 1996, 337-364.39. Megret, F. ‘From "Savages" to "Unlawful Combatants": A Postcolonial Look at International Law’s "Other"’ in Orford, A. (ed.) International Law and its Others (Cambridge University Press, 2006) pp265-317.40. Perrin, C. ‘Approaching anxiety: The insistence of the postcolonial in the declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples’ Law and Critique, 6(1), 1995, pp55-74.41. Strawson J ‘Islamic Law and English Texts’ Law and Critique Vol. V, No. 1 (1995), 21-38. 42. Kapur, R. ‘Tragedy of Victimization Rhetoric: Ressurecting the ‘Native’ Subject in International/Post-Colonial Feminist Legal Politics’, The Harvard Human Rights Journal, 15, 2002, 1-37.43. Haldar, P. ‘Law, Orientalism and Postcolonialism: The Jurisdiction of the Lotus-Eaters’ (Routledge, 2007), pp1-26.44. Shaw, W., ‘(Post)Colonial Encounters: gendered racialisations in Australian courtrooms’ Gender, Place & Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography Volume 10, Issue 4, 2003:315-332. Volume 445. Agamben, G. ‘Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life’ (Stanford University Press, 1994) pp1-12.46. Fitzpatrick, P & Joyce, R ‘The Normality of the Exception in Democracy’s Empire’ Journal of Law and Society Vol.34 No.1 2007; pp 65-76. 47. Hussain, N ‘Towards a jurisprudence of emergency colonialism and the rule of law’ Law and Critique Volume 10, Number 2, 1999, pp. 93-115. 48. Ticktin, M ‘Policing and Humanitarianism in France: Immigration and the Turn to Law as State of Exception’ Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies 7 (3) 2005: 347-368. 49. Primorac¸ R ‘The Poetics of State Terror in Twenty-First Century Zimbabwe’ Interventions, 9:3, 2007, 434-450. 50. Comaroff, J., & Comaroff, J. L. (Eds.) ‘Law and Disorder in the Postcolony’ (University of Chicago Press, 2008), 1-57. 51. Lemke, T. ‘"A Zone of Indistinction"–A Critique of Giorgio Agamben’s Concept of Biopolitics’. Outlines. Critical Practice Studies, 7(1), 2005, 3-13.52. Morgensen, S. L. ‘The biopolitics of settler colonialism: Right here, right now’ Settler Colonial Studies, 1(1), 2011, 52-76. Part 5: Legal Geographies53. Mawani, R ‘Imperial Legacies (Post)Colonial Identities: Law, Space, and the Making of Stanley Park, 1859-2001’ Law/Text/Culture, 7, 2003, 98-141. 54. Mahmud, T, ‘Law of Geography and the Geography of Law: A Post-Colonial Mapping’, 3 Washington University Jurisprudence Review 2011, 64-106. 55. Godden, L. ‘The Invention of Tradition: Property Law as a Knowledge Space for the Appropriation of the South’ 16 Griffith Law Review 375-410 (2007).56. Wainwright, J and Bryan, J., ‘Cartography, territory, property: postcolonial reflections on indigenous counter-mapping in Nicaragua and Belize’, Cultural Geographies 2009 16: 153-178. 57. Anthony, T ‘Postcolonial Feudal hauntings of North Australian cattle stations’ Law Text Culture Vol 7, 2003, 277-306. 58. Blomley, N. ‘Law, property, and the geography of violence: The frontier, the survey, and the grid’ Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 93(1), 2003, 121-141.
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Mark Harris is Senior Lecturer in the School of Law at La Trobe University, Australia. Denise Ferreira da Silva is Chair in Ethics at Queen Mary, University of London, UK. Brenna Bhandar is based at Queen Mary, University of London, UK.