<i>The Man Without Qualities</i> is one of the towering achievements of the European novel
I would recommend Sophie Wilkins' translation as a conscientious attempt to give to the English reader a novel which is compared to <i>The Remembrance of Things Past</i> and <i>Ulysses</i>
The Times
Immensely rich and therapeutic, bristling with wit and a sly humour
Sunday Telegraph
At last, at last - the fully fleshed arrival in English of the third member of the trinity in twentieth-century fiction, complementing <i>Ulysses</i> and <i>The Remembrance of Things Past</i> . . . This last-waltz novel is amazingly contemporary
Wall Street Journal
There is scarcely a page that does not provoke new thoughts or offer new insights, not a chapter that, even read on its own, does not prove stimulating