This exceptional volume sheds new and important light on the increasingly incumbent question of the relationship between the literary giant Lu Xun and world literature. Rather than dwell on how the author s work fits into some pre-existing rubric, the essays in this volume explore new territory in investigating how Lu Xun s work contributes to the way in which the character of world literature itself must be continually reconstructed and reimagined. Theodore D. Huters, University of California, Los Angeles This volume examines questions surrounding the relationship between Lu Xun, world literature, and the underlying processes of worlding situating his work as a writer and a translator in a global context, both among and interacting with prominent international works and literary movements, as well as influencing writers and readers in countries well beyond China. As such, it is a milestone in our understanding of this challenging, always witty and engaging, gadfly of the state. Just as Lu Xun and His Legacy, edited by Leo Ou-fan Lee, brought together much of the best in twentieth-century scholarship on Lu Xun, ours is a massive dose of good fortune to have Lu Xun and World Literature to steer us into the twenty-first. Jon Eugene von Kowallis, University of New South Wales, Sydney, author of The Lyrical Lu Xun: A Study of His Classical-Style Verse