<p>From the reviews:</p><p>“A volume devoted to one of the privacy tools currently in use to evaluate privacy risks. The book offers a broad and worldwide perspective, with 20–plus chapters contributed by privacy scholars, public and private sector practitioners, and regulators. It’s the first volume on the subject. … Anyone tasked with defining PIA requirements through policy, rule, or law or simply with conducting an individual PIA will be richly rewarded by reading this volume.” (Robert Gellman, First Monday, Vol. 19 (9), September, 2012)</p><p>“A handbook for those data protection and privacy professionals working in the field … . it gives a comprehensive overview of PIA around the world; it identifies open issues; and it provides the reader with best practices examples of PIA in order to improve any future PIA exercises. … This volume provides a rich set of information and reflections, experiences and examples on PIA, which makes it a truly outstanding contribution in the field—both for practitioners and for academics working in this area.” (Nils Zurawski, International Data Privacy Law, Vol. 2 (4), November, 2012)</p><p>“Taking a truly international perspective, and with contributions from a large number of leading practitioners, compliance leaders and academics, this publication is in turn historical record, academic study and empirical evaluation. … It is unquestionably an interesting read, with a wealth of experience presented from other countries and multinational companies in relation to the practical realities of using PIAs. … this book is likely to be seen as a highly valuable guide.” (Stephanie Pritchett, Privacy & Data Protection, Vol. 12 (5), June, 2012)</p>