'No such negativity can possibly be leveled against this new text...Professor Milman provides the best coverage of the historic development of English bankruptcy law since Professor David Graham QC's Landmarks article...this text is a must for institutional libraries where bankruptcy law is taught at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. But more interestingly this text is an absolute must for all insolvency lawyers and insolvency practitioners, indeed anybody with an interest in the subject.' Insolvency Law & Practice 'This text is an extremely useful addition to what still can be viewed as an undeveloped corner of the law library by a distinguished commentator and author. David Milman is of course the co-author of what many regards as the leading annotated guide to the overall insolvency legislation. All in all this is an extremely thoughtful publication. The bibliography, which has obviously been carefully assembled, occupies nearly 10 pages and in the opinion of this reviewer is worth the price of the publication alone.' The Journal of Business Law '...this eminently readable monograph has many merits with which to commend it. The work is readily accessible to those with little pre-existing knowledge of personal insolvency law, and may well foster a genuine interest in the subject amongst such readers, whilst being sufficiently in-depth, despite the limited space available, to satisfy even the most knowledgeable of readers. The reviewer was immediately gripped, as page one begins by detailing a number of historical figures who have been declared bankrupt. Such detail cannot fail to appeal to students, academics and practitioners alike.' The Law Teacher