<i>'This is an ambitious, original, fascinating and eminently readable study of UK company law in its European and international context. As well as doctrinal company law (whether purely domestic or European), it touches on theory and other laws, especially insolvency, fiscal and private international law affecting the corporate form. It provides insights that will be of interest and use to academic company lawyers across the world and should be on the reading list for any postgraduate course on company law.'</i>
- John Birds, University of Manchester, UK,
<i>'In this book, David Milman explains the significant impact and effect of global trends on the regulation and implementation of UK corporate law, exposing both the historical and future advancement of the global convergence (and divergence) of corporate principles in jurisdictions across the world. The treatment of the subject area is unique, informative and a compelling read. The exposition of the subject matter is thought provoking. The book is comprehensively crafted, exhibiting the author's enviable ability to import detailed and complex issues into a most readable text.'</i>
- Stephen Griffin, University of Wolverhampton, UK,