I found this clearly written book an excellent resource which would be of value not only to those who provide supervision, but also to those who are seeking it, and wanting to know how to improve the supervision they give or receive.
- Ministry Today UK,
This publication is a timely and inspiring book, which examines closely the role of supervision and in particular the supervisor to effect transformative change both for the supervisee and the service user.
- Seen and Heard,
This publication is a timely and inspiring book, which examines closely the role of supervision and in particular the supervisor to effect transformative change both for the supervisee and the service user.
- British Association of Play Therapy Magazine,
I like having a sense of optimism and much to my surprise found myself enjoying the heady energy of this small book, and kept on thinking "I know who this would be good for". Full of practical ideas and insight, it is not a book of supervision as we would normally consider in the psychoanalytic tradition.
- Supervision Review,
In A Practical Guide to Transformative Supervision Nicki Weld has written a 'big' little book. Full of personal insights, practical ideas and examples, [this book] has a place on the supervisor's bookshelf. It will encourage and inspire social work supervisors to be courageous in their supervision and fully engage their skills as practice leaders, creating quiet space in a noisy world.
- Liz Beddoe, Associate Professor, Programme Leader Social Work Postgraduate School of Counselling, Human Services and Social Work, University of Auckland, New Zealand, and author of Best Practice in Professional Supervision,
‘This book is an opportunity to reflect on our world view and the world view of others, and encourages supervision as a place to discuss the relational aspect of our practice.’
- Sally Taylor, Physiotherapist,
This is a well written, practical and thoroughly researched book by a social work professional leader based in New Zealand. Nicki Weld is clearly passionate about her subject and freely declares her motivation in exploring transformative change as a function of supervision.
- Therapy Today.,
<p>This short book takes the reader on an absorbing journey to the transformative potential that supervision holds within the current environment in which we live and practice... The book is innovative, creative and practical, and revitalises our thoughts around the<br />use of supervision and critically reflective practice. Weld provides a personal quality to the book through the sharing of her own experiences that engages the reader... I strongly recommend this text to everyone<br />engaged in a supervisory relationship in the helping professions with a desire to enhance their practice and promote change.</p>
- Matt Rankine, Professional Teaching Fellow, University of Auckland, New Zealand, Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work