Contents: E.A. Fleishman, Foreword. Preface. H. Schuler, J.L. Farr, M. Smith, The Individual and Organizational Sides of Personnel Selection and Assessment. Part I:Individual Perceptions of Personnel Procedures: Introductory Comments.H. Schuler, Social Validity of Selection Situations: A Concept and Some Empirical Results. S.L. Rynes, When Recruitment Fails to Attract: Individual Expectations Meet Organizational Realities in Recruitment. G.P. Latham, B.J. Finnegan, Perceived Practicality of Unstructured, Patterned, and Situational Interviews. G.C. Thornton, III, The Effect of Selection Practices on Applicants' Perceptions of Organizational Characteristics. Part II:Individual Reactions to Personnel Procedures: Introductory Comments.F. Landy, Job Analysis and Job Evaluation: The Respondent's Perspective. N. Seisdedos, Personnel Selection, Questionnaires, and Motivational Distortion: An Intelligent Attitude of Adaptation. H. Schuler, R. Fruhner, Effects of Assessment Center Participation on Self-Esteem and on Evaluation of the Selection Situation. J.P. Wanous, Newcomer Orientation Programs That Facilitate Organizational Entry. T.L. Dickinson, Attitudes About Performance Appraisal. J.L. Farr, Informal Performance Feedback: Seeking and Giving. Part III:Influence of the Social Context on Selection and Assessment: Introductory Comments.A.K. Wigdor, P.R. Sackett, Employment Testing and Public Policy: The Case of the General Aptitude Test Battery. M. Pearn, Fairness in Selection and Assessment: A European Perspective. J.M. Prieto, The Team Perspective in Selection and Assessment. D.R. Ilgen, Performance-Appraisal Accuracy: An Illusive or Sometimes Misguided Goal? C.J. de Wolff, The Prediction Paradigm. Part IV:Contemporary Approaches to Selection and Assessment--Some Examples: Introductory Comments.D. Bartram, Emerging Trends in Computer-Assisted Assessment. W. Putz-Osterloh, Complex Problem Solving as a Diagnostic Tool. G. Trost, T. Kirchenkamp, Predictive Validity of Cognitive and Noncognitive Variables With Respect to Choice of Occupation and Job Success. N. Schmitt, Group Composition, Gender, and Race Effects on Assessment Center Ratings. M. Smith, J.L. Farr, H. Schuler, Individual and Organizational Perspectives on Personnel Procedures: Conclusions and Horizons for Future Research.
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