Crime and punishment fascinate. Overwhelming in their media dominance, they present us with our most popular television programs, films, novels, art works, video games, podcasts, social media streams and hashtags.
The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Crime, Media and Popular Culture, a massive and unprecedented undertaking, offers a foundational space for understanding the cultural life and imaginative force and power of crime and punishment. Across five areas foundational to the study of crime and media, leading scholars from five continents engage cutting edge scholarship in order to provide definitive overviews of over 120 topics.
In the context of an unprecedented global proliferation in the production of images, they take up the perennial and emergent problems of crime's celebrity and fascination; stereotypes and innovations in portrayals of crime and criminals; and the logics of representation that follow police, courts, capital punishment, prisons, and legal systems across the world. They also engage new, timely, and historically overlooked categories of offense and their representations, including child sexual abuse, violence against women, and human trafficking. A series of entries on mediums and methods provide a much needed set of critical approaches at a historical moment when doing media and visual research is a daunting, formidable undertaking.
This is also a volume that stretches our understanding of conventional categories of crime representation. One example of this is homicide, where entries include work on the ever-popular serial killer but also extend to filicide, infanticide, school shootings, aboriginal deaths in custody, lynchings, terrorism and genocide. Readers will be will be hard-pressed to find a convention, trope, or genre of crime representation that is not, in some way, both present and enlarged. From film noir to police procedurals, courtroom dramas and comedies to comic books, crime news to true crime and reality TV, gaming to sexting, it is covered in this encyclopedia.
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1. The Cultural Afterlife of Criminal Evidence
2. Cultural Representations of 19th-Century Prostitution
3. Cultural Representations of Torture
4. Folk Devils and Folk Heroes: the Janus face of the robber in popular culture
5. Framing Terrorism
6. Gangsters and Genre
7. Historical Approaches to the Study of Crime, Media, and Popular Culture
8. Historical Representations of Crime and the Criminal
9. Infanticide in 19th-century England
10. Moral Panics
11. Music of the 1960s and Social Justice: Masterpieces of American Protest Songs and Why They Matter in the Trump Era
12. Organized Crime Mythologies
13. The (In)visibility of Race in 20th-Century Crime Films
14. True Crime Reporting in Early Modern England
15. Vengeance in Popular Culture
Aspects of the criminal justice system
1. A Genre Study of Prosecutors and Criminal Defense Lawyers in American Movies and Television
2. American Lawyer and Courtroom Comedies
3. American Trial Films and the Popular Culture of Law
4. Biplanes, Satellites, and Drones: A High Resolution History of Eyes in the Sky
5. Capital Punishment, Closure, and Media
6. Culture of Punishment in the USA
7. False Confessions in Popular Culture
8. Feminist Perspectives on Criminal Justice in Popular Culture
9. Guilt or Innocence: Lessons About the Legal Process in American Courtroom Films
10. Human Trafficking and the Media in the United States
11. Images of Alternative Justice
12. Politics of Vision in the Carceral State: Legibility and Looking in Hostile Territory
13. Juries in Film and Television
14. Lawyers and Courts in French Popular Culture
15. Miscarriages of Justice
16. Military Justice in Film
17. Nazi Justice in Popular Legal Culture
18. Prison Life and Popular Culture
19. Representations of Criminal Justice and Its Institutions
20. Security and Surveillance in Film
21. Solitary Confinement in Popular Culture
22. Television Judge Shows
23. Terrorism and Counter-terrorism in Popular Culture in the Post-9/11 Context
24. The "CSI Effect"
25. The Legal System in German Popular Culture
26. The Police, Media, and Popular Culture in the USA
27. Trials for Genocide and War Crime in Popular Culture
Aspects of criminology
1. Copycat Crime
2. Corpses, Popular Culture, and Forensic Science
3. Crime and Celebrity
4. Crime and Masculinity in Popular Culture
5. Crime and Visual Media in Brazil
6. Crimesploitation
7. Criminal Underworlds
8. Cultural Criminology
9. Dark Tourism
10. Dark Tourism, Penal Landscapes, and Criminological Inquiry
11. Feminist Criminology and the Visual
12. Foucault and the Visual Reconstitution of Criminological Knowledge
13. Gothic Criminology
14. Green Criminology, Culture, and Cinema
15. Ideology in the Crime Genre
16. Narrative Criminology: Crime as Produced by and Re-Lived Through Narratives
17. Neighborhood Context and Media Representations of Crime
18. Popular Criminology
19. Psychopathy and the Media
20. Street Cultures
21. Transgressive Imaginations
22. Visual Criminology
23. Visual Representations of Genocide
24. Visuality and Criminology
25. White Collar Crime in Popular Culture
26. Witnessing and Victimhood
27. Wound Culture
1. Abortion in American Film since 2001
2. Bank Robbery in Popular Culture
3. Car Crimes and the Cultural Imagination
4. Clergy Sexual Abuse and the Media
5. Drugs and Popular Culture
6. Fakes and Forgeries in Art, and the More Specific Term "Art Fraud": A Criminological Perspective
7. Filicide in Australian Media and Culture
8. Graffiti
9. Homicide in Television Drama Series
10. Journalistic Depictions of Violence against Women in India
11. Journalistic Depictions of Violence against Women in Mexico
12. Media Representations of Domestic Violence
13. Moral Regulation and Media Representations of the Female Body
14. Offensive Language Crimes in Law, Media, and Popular Culture
15. Organized Child Sexual Abuse in the Media
16. Pornification and the Mainstreaming of Sex
17. Pussy Riot and the Politics of Resistance in Contemporary Russia
18. Representations of Public Sex in Crime, Media, and Popular Culture
19. Resistance in Popular Culture
20. School Shootings in the Media
21. Serial Killing and Representation
22. Sex Crime and the Media
23. Sexting
24. Social Media, Vigilantism, and Indigenous People in Australia
25. The Criminalization of Homosexuality in Popular Cinema
26. The Cultural Politics of Indigenous Struggles and Aboriginal Riots
27. The Global Traffic in Looted Cultural Objects
1. A Critical Introduction to Arts Behind Bars
2. Big Data and Visuality
3. Content Analysis in the Study of Crime, Media, and Popular Culture
4. Crime Dramas as Social Science Fiction
5. Crime Fiction
6. Crime Films
7. Crime News in Newspapers
8. Crime News on TV
9. Crime, Justice, and Anglo-American Comics
10. Cultural Studies Approaches to the Study of Crime in Film and on Television
11. Cultural Studies Approaches to the Study of Crime in Literature
12. Documentaries about Crime and Criminal Justice
13. Experimental Design in the Study of Crime, Media, and Popular Culture
14. Feminist Themes in Television Crime Dramas
15. Film Noir
16. Methodological Approaches to Studying Crime and Popular Culture in New Media
17. News Media and African Genocide
18. Nordic Noir
19. Online Crime
20. Police Dramas on Television
21. Reality TV Crime Programs
22. Spatialization and Carceral Geographies
23. Sports Crime and Popular Culture
24. Survey Research and the Study of Crime, Media, and Popular Culture
25. Video Gaming, Crime, and Popular Culture
26. Violence, Media Effects, and Criminology
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Selling point: This work is genuinely interdisciplinary and opens up new perspectives in the discipline, defining the field of study.
Selling point: The scholars who contributed are the best in the field and were drawn from countries in North America, Europe, Asia, and Oceania. Over 100 authors hail from outside of the U.S.
Selling point: All of the articles appear online as part of the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice.
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Nicole Rafter was Professor Emerita in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Northeastern University, where she taught since 1977. She wrote five monographs: Partial Justice: Women, State Prisons, and Social Control; Creating Born Criminals; Shots in the Mirror: Crime Films and Society; The Criminal Brain; and (with M. Brown) Criminology Goes to the Movies. In addition, she published nine
other books, including translations (with Mary Gibson) of the major criminological works of Cesare Lombroso, and published over fifty journal articles and chapters. In 2009 she received the American Society of Criminology's Sutherland Award; other honors include a
Fulbright Fellowship and several fellowships to Oxford University.
Michelle Brown is associate professor of Sociology at the University of Tennessee. Her research explores carceral studies, visual criminology, and law and society. She is the author of The Culture of Punishment (NYUP, 2009), co-author of Criminology Goes to the Movies (with Nicole Rafter; NYUP, 2011), and co-editor of Media Representations of September 11 (Praeger, 2003). She is currently co-editing the Sage journal Crime Media Culture,
The Routledge International Handbook of Visual Criminology (2017); and the Palgrave MacMillan Crime, Media and Culture Book Series. Her next book examines alternative forms of justice in response to the rise of the carceral state.
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Selling point: This work is genuinely interdisciplinary and opens up new perspectives in the discipline, defining the field of study.
Selling point: The scholars who contributed are the best in the field and were drawn from countries in North America, Europe, Asia, and Oceania. Over 100 authors hail from outside of the U.S.
Selling point: All of the articles appear online as part of the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice.
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Oxford University Press Inc
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