I Introduction 1
1 Introduction to the Handbook on Crime and Inequality 2
Stephen Farrall and Susan McVie
II The impact of economic inequalities on crime at varying geospatial or
geographical levels 13
2 The spatial scale of inequality and crime: comparing egohoods across
four cities 14
John R. Hipp
3 Income inequality and property crime: cross-country evidence 35
Thomas Goda and Alejandro Torres García
4 How population aging is associated with economic inequality and
homicide trends 56
Mateus Rennó Santos, Dikla Yogev and Yunmei Lu
5 Inequality, poverty and homicide: cross-national evidence 78
Paul Norris
6 Fear of crime and economic equality: the European cross-national perspective 105
Pietari Kujala and Mikko Niemelä
III. Impact of institutional and state-based interventions on inequalities 125
7 Is the policing prioritisation of and response to crime equitable?
An examination of frontline policing deployment to incidents of
violence-against-the-person 126
Jon Bannister, Monsuru Adepeju and Mark Ellison
8 Bad medicine? Drugs policing, harm reduction and social inequality 148
Will Mason and Lauren Wroe
9 State crime, state violence and inequalities 172
Susanne Karstedt
IV. Perspectives on crime and inequality from the global south 198
10 Inequality, poverty and the perpetration of violent crime in South Africa 199
Guy Lamb and Giselle Warton
11 Changing crime trends and their association with inequality among
provinces in mainland China over 35 years 220
Yijing Li and Geping Qiu
12 Crime and inequality in India 238
Devika Hazra
13 Crime, punishment and inequality in Brazil: reflections from the Global South 259
Marcos César Alvarez, Marcelo Campos and Fernando Salla
14 The impact of fear of crime, victimization, trust in the police, and
inequalities on emigration in Central and South America 284
Amanda Graham
V. The influence of macro- and micro-level change on crime and inequality 311
15 A life course perspective on the relationship between educational
mobility, relative deprivation, and criminal offending 312
Christopher R. Dennison and Raymond R. Swisher
16 Social change and birth cohort differences in recorded crime: is there
increasing or decreasing inequality among young offenders from
different social backgrounds? 327
Anders Nilsson, Olof Bäckman, Felipe Estrada and Fredrik Sivertsson
17 The impact of childhood inequalities on serious offending in
adolescence: insights from the Edinburgh Study of Youth Transitions
and Crime 349
Lesley McAra and Susan McVie
18 The role of political ideology in the production of inequitable outcomes
and crime 375
Stephen Farrall and Emily Gray
VI. Inequalities in the context of the crime drop 400
19 A crime drop for whom? Conceptualizing and measuring change in
victimization inequality 401
Ben Matthews and Susan McVie
20 Race, structural inequalities, and the crime drop 425
Karen F. Parker and Andrew C. Gray
21 Crime inequalities and distributive justice during the crime drop:
evidence from England and Wales in relation to crime incidents,
offenders, and defendants 446
James Hunter and Andromachi Tseloni
VII. Closing chapter 466
22 Inequalities and crime: the centrality of complex or intersecting inequalities 467
Karen Heimer
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