Om bidragsyterne
Dr. Saeid Eslamian is a Full Professor of Hydrology and Water Resources Sustainability at Isfahan University of Technology in the Department of Water Engineering. His research focuses mainly on statistical and environmental hydrology and climate change. In particular, he is working on modeling natural hazards including flood, drought, storm, wind, and pollution toward a sustainable environment. Formerly, he was a Visiting Professor at Princeton University, University of ETH Zurich, and McGill University. He has contributed to more than 1K publications in journals, books, and technical reports. He is the Founder and Chief Editor of the International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology. Eslamian is now associate editor of six important publications: Journal of Hydrology (Elsevier), Eco-Hydrology and Hydrobiology (Elsevier), Water Reuse (IWA) and Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences (Elsevier), Arabian Journal of Geosciences (Springer), International Journal ofClimate Change Strategies and Management (Emerlad)
Professor Eslamian is the editor and author of approximately 25 Handbooks. The editorship of Eleven handbooks published by Taylor & Francis (CRC Press): the three-volume Handbook of Engineering Hydrology in 2014, Urban Water Reuse Handbook in 2016, Underground Aqueducts Handbook (2017), the three-volume Handbook of Drought and Water Scarcity (2017), Constructed Wetlands: Hydraulic Design (2020) and Handbook of Irrigation System Selection for Semi-Arid Regions (2020). The two-volume Handbook of Water Harvesting and Conservation by Wiley and two books entitled Evaluation of Groundwater Storage Potentials in a Semiarid Climate and Advances in Hydrogeochemistry Research by Nova Science Publishers (USA) are also his book publications in 2019, 2020, and 2021 respectively.