Through an exceptional collection of contributions covering a wide range of the currently available dispute settlement mechanisms, a fitting honour is given to one of the most influential scholars in the field: Professor John G. Merrills. The relatively modest number of selected texts (14 contributions) is compensated by the outstanding quality of each contribution. By joining under the same cover very different perspectives on current dispute settlement mechanisms this Festschrift offers the keen reader in any of the substantive areas covered - or even to the specialist in dispute settlement - the possibility to discover in its pages a fresh angle from which disputes can be tackled, very much in the same style as Professor Merrills' celebrated International Dispute Settlement. Different to many other collective works, the book manages to maintain a high standard throughout all the collaborations. ...a delectable volume of superior quality, academic calibre, and worthy of frequent consultation has been produced. Undoubtedly it should stand as a natural complement to Merrill's International Dispute Settlement in any library. Lesther Antonio Ortega Lemus Netherlands International Law Review Issue 3, 2011 A unique and groundbreaking addition to the literature that everyone concerned with international law and dispute resolution should read. The contributors, the editors, the publishers and everyone else involved in making it a reality must be congratulated. Won Kidane The Law and Politics Book Review October 2010