Bratton and McCaherys edited volume addresses todays most fundamental question regarding the governance of dispersed-ownership corporations: have private equity and activist hedge funds solved the problem of the separation of ownership from control? This remarkable collection of essays by the worlds leading corporate governance scholars will play a critical role in shaping the discussion in both academic and policy circles for many years to come.
Merritt B. Fox, Michael E. Patterson Professor of Law, NASDAQ Professor for Law and Economics of Capital Markets, Columbia University Law School
Hedge funds and private equity funds are the active governance agents of late. Bratton and McCahery have put together a collection of highly informative essays examining many aspects of the governance model adopted by these institutional investors: tactics, performance, economic consequences, as well as the regulatory framework in which they operate. The volume must be recommended to anyone interested in corporate governance.
Mike Burkart, Gösta Olson Professor of Finance, Stockholm School of Economics
Hedge fund activism and private equity have become central for corporate governance in recent years. This books collects impressive papers from some of the most prominent academics in the field, which is now richer for the editors and authors efforts.
Mark J. Roe, David Berg Professor of Law, Harvard Law School