'As advocates and courts struggle to address the intuition that speech is to blame for sometimes massive harm, Richard Ashby Wilson has given the cutting edge topic social scientific richness and reflective depth. A superb achievement.' Samuel Moyn, Yale Law School
'Richard Wilson's Incitement on Trial makes a powerful argument about how the law should address conduct that often plays a crucial role in fomenting crimes against humanity and genocide. It is an outstanding book.' Aryeh Neier, President Emeritus, Open Society Foundations
'Professor Richard Ashby Wilson's Incitement on Trial: Prosecuting International Speech Crimes is an outstanding text on a frequently misinterpreted, if not ill-used, area of international criminal law - the crime of incitement. What distinguishes Incitement on Trial from many other texts on substantive international criminal law is that it is based in part on extensive original empirical research. … Wilson has authored a highly useful and out-of-the box treatise on the crime of incitement, and in no small measure, the mode of liability, instigation. Incitement on Trial makes an invaluable contribution to this field of international criminal law. Judges, prosecutors, defense lawyers, and civil party lawyers are well advised to not only consult his gem, but to take the time to study much of what is covered, including some of the rich material referenced by Wilson.' Michael Karnavas, michaelgkarnavas (www.michaelgkarnavas.net/blog)
'The book is a very sharply focussed examination of the workings of the international court and its treatment of the inchoate crime of incitement. As such it would be most at home in academic law libraries with strong international criminal collections.' David Hurren, Canadian Law Library Review
'Wilson provides an interesting and thorough analysis of the effects of speech acts. Moreover, to discover how far the assumptions underlying the law in this area are based in fact, Wilson draws on his own empirical studies, his statistical database of ICTY [International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia] experts, and original research on the effects of hate speech …' Wibke K. Timmermann, Journal of International Criminal Justice
'Wilson's book is pioneering in its ambitious goal of offering concrete suggestions regarding how different types of knowledge can inform the legal doctrine of international criminal law, enhancing the law's ability to offer an effective regulatory response to inciting speech.' Nicola Palmer and Felix Kroner, International Journal of Transitional Justice