`This is a book of first class scholarship ... the authors offer thoughtful and incisive criticism on every topic. No one working in the area of international family law will want to be without this book. Anyone considering writing a legal commentary on an international convention would be wise to study what is a truly exemplary work.'
David McClean, International and Comparative Law Quarterly: Vol 51, Part 1, January 2002
`The important Oxford Monographs in Private International Law series has recently been enriched by this book devoted to one of the most widely ratified Hague Conventions: the 1980 Convention on international child-kidnapping.'
Etienne Pataut, Revue Critique de Droit Internationale Privé
`this book provides a wealth of information from both the social and legal points of view...this text should be a standard referencee work in regards to the Hague Convention on International Child Abduction.'
Lorna Cachia Mediterranean Journal of Human Rights Vol 3 No 2 1999
`L'importante collection britannique de monographies de droit internationale privé s'est recemment enrichie d'un ouvrage consacré à l'une des Convention de La Haye les plus largement ratifiées: La Convention de 1980 sur l'enlèvement international d'enfants. L'importance et l'interêt de cette étude n'est pas à démontrer: la Convention de 1980, en effet, donne lieu abondant contentieux.
L'existence de cette masse jurisprudentielle plaidait à elle seule pour une étude d'ensemble dans une perspective comparatiste, à laquelle se sone attelés avec un grand succès P. Beaumont et P McEleavy. Ce sont en effet les jurisprudences américaine, australienne, britannique, canadienne, française et néo-zélandaise qui sont scrutées avec une attention particulière, non sans quelques incursions dans le droit et la
pratique allemand, espagnol, suédois, suisse etc. On le voit, le postulat comparatiste est plus que rempli.'
Etienne Pataut, Revue Critique de Droit International
`This is an admirable and scholarly work. There has long existed a need for a comprehensive and academic analysis of not only the theory of the Hague Convention on the Civic Aspects of International Child Abduction but also its implementation. I commend this work to all those who practise in the field of international child abduction.'
Anne-Marie Hutchinson, International Family Law 2000
`the volume will be useful to practitioners both in enabling a point to be properly researched and also in affording guidance as to decisions in other jurisdictions ... This volume maintains the very high standard that has been set by previous authors in the Oxford series of monographs in Private International Law ... This is a volume that can be read with profit by any post graduate student, by any practitioner or by any judge charged with deciding cases
under the Hague Convention. As one would expect from Oxford University Press the book is handsomely produced, clearly printed and contains a wealth of detailed footnotes. Particularly impressive is the
range of reference to legal and non legal sources. One of the objectives of family law in the new century must be to promote further the rational and civilised resolution of disputes arising as to custody.'
Law Update 2000
`In respect of the Hague Convention the learned authors have provided a valuable contribution to this socially worthwhile goal.'
Law Update 2000
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