...a first class authority on contract law not only in the United Kingdom, but all throughout the common law world...the book not only sets out the law as it is today; it also has a strong historic component and shows how developments came about and what their roots are. For a real understanding, but also for teaching purposes, this is extremely valuable and almost indispensable...Common law lawyers will find all familiar aspects of what they expect from a book dealing with contract law. The book even deals with common law institutions unknown to German law...Even for German readers, it would be worthwhile and tempting to discuss almost every topic addressed in The German Law of Contract because the book is not only inspiring for common law lawyers, but for civil law lawyers as well. And what is more, in Germany the book could be, and already sometimes is, used by judges and practitioners to find reasonable advice when deciding their cases. Moreover, it makes an invaluable contribution to the discussions on the emerging European private law. It shows the solutions at which two influential legal systems, and especially their courts, have arrived in difficult cases. It also demonstrates the arguments on which they have relied. I am not aware of a German book on English contract law that reaches the same high scientific level as The German Law of Contract and fulfils at the same time all requirements that the needs of practical application request. The book must be strongly recommended to everyone interested in, and concerned with, contract law as well as comparative law. Professor Ulrich Magnus Tulane Law Review 565 (2006) Translation from German to English: The authors admirably and successfully convey the characteristics of German contract law and make the rich German legal culture accessible to the foreign lawyer. Hans Stoll Rabels Zeitschrift fur auslandisches und internationales Privatrecht 72 (2008)