The strength of this book lies in its wealth of empirical data and stories told. Readers learn a great deal about the workings of organisations and professions as well as of the very different legal systems in the world. A must for scholars of the sociology of law. (Translation of the German original)
- Eva Kocher, Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie, Volume 33
The editors have done an admirable job treating a topic of this breadth and complexity in a single work.(...)this volume presents works of sufficient diversity to provide the
reader with an impressive cross-section of information.
- Hon. Thadd A. Blizzard, Hastings Women's Law Journal
This book is most likely to appeal to those who want to learn something about female judges and gender diversity within legal systems across the world. It will also interest those who are in gender studies.
- Tara W. Stricko, Political Science, Kennesaw State University., Law and Politics Book Review