European Banking and Financial Law Statutes presents all the key legislation for European banking and financial law in one student-friendly volume. This book is:• up-to-date with the law: based on the official consolidated texts of all relevant European instruments, this book provides a fully current collection of legislation • tailored to course outlines: content has been curated to align with European banking and financial law courses • exam friendly: conforming to regulations, this is an un-annotated text that is suitable for exam use• easy to use: a clear and attractive text design, detailed table of contents and multiple indices provides ease of reference and navigation.Ideal for course and exam use, as well as for reference, this book is a perfect companion resource for student learning and exam success, which is especially tailored for use in combination with the European Banking and Financial Law textbook.
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European Banking and Financial Law Statutes presents all the key legislation for European banking and financial law in one student-friendly volume. This book is:• up-to-date with the law• tailored to course outlines • exam friendly• easy to use
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A. Financial MarketsA.1 Primary marketListing Directive, Directive 2001/34/EC Prospectus Directive, Directive 2003/71/EC A.2 Secondary marketMarket in Financial Instruments Regulation (MiFIR), Regulation (EU) 600/2014 Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II (MiFID II), Directive 2014/65/EU Distance Financial Services Directive, Directive 2002/65/EC Unfair Terms Directive, Directive 93/13/EEC Consumer Credit Directive, Directive 2008/48/EC Mortgage Credit Directive 2014/17/EU Market Abuse Regulation (MAR), Regulation (EU) 596/2014 Market Abuse Directive (MAD), Directive 2014/57/EU B. Financial InstitutionsB.1 Credit institutionsCapital Requirements Directive IV (CRD IV), Directive 2013/36/EU Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR), Regulation (EU) 575/2013 Single Supervisory Mechanism Regulation (SSM Reg.), Regulation (EU) 1024/2013 Single Supervisory Mechanism Framework Regulation (SSM Framework Reg.), Regulation (EU) 468/2014 EBA Regulatution, Regulation (EU) 1093/2010 Winding-up Directive, Directive 2001/24/EC Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD), Directive 2014/59/EU Single Resolution Mechanism Regulation (SRM Regulation), Regulation (EU) 806/2014 Deposit Guarantee Schemes Directive 2014/49/EU B.2 UCITS and AIFsUndertakings for the Collective Investment in Transferable Securities V (UCITS V), Directive 2009/65/EC Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD), Directive 2011/61/EU C. Financial TransactionsC.1 Custody and Transfer of Money and Securities Payment Services Directive II (PSD2), Directive 2015/2366/EU Central Securities Depository Regulation (CSD Regulation), Regulation (EU) 236/2012 C.2 DerivativesEuropean Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR), Regulation (EU) 648/2012 C.3 Collateralised finance transactionsSettlement Finality Directive, Directive 98/26/EC Collateral Directive, Directive 2002/47/EC
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Matthias Haentjens is Professor of Financial Law and Director of the Hazelhoff Centre for Financial Law at Leiden University. Pierre de Gioia Carabellese is Professor of Law at the University of Huddersfield and Adjunct and Visiting Professor of Law of Mergers and Acquisitions at Ca’ Foscari, University of Venice.