"This necessary and comprehensive survey of 'difference' will increase awareness of the importance of including women in all aspects of public life. Rhode's research illustrates the lingering inequities of the leadership opportunities available to women."—Marie C. Wilson,President, The White House Project
"The folks who contributed to <i>The Difference 'Difference' Makes</i> are clearly heavy-hitters....collectively this set of papers is an instructive balance between practical advice and theoretical sophistication. Taken together, the contributions to this collection exemplify a central strength of feminist scholarship, speaking in a practical voice informed by theory."
—Law and Politics Book Review
"Extremely timely and useful, it contributes importantly to the problem of women and leadership in an original and stimulating way."
- Herma Hill Kay, University of California, Berkeley
"This diverse compendium includes personal and professional accounts of how influential women leaders got to the top of their fields. Deborah Rhode, a significant thinker on gender issues today, provides a rich framework for understanding the obstacles women contend with and the ways in which they can influence major social institutions. This book dispels stereotypes, provides inspiration, and offers sound advice for women getting on the track to success."
- Cynthia Fuchs Epstein, Distinguished Professor, SociologyCity University of New York
"The times cry out for democratic leadership. <i>The Difference 'Difference' Makes</i> is an invaluable exploration of the progress America, and its lawyers, have made in trusting women to be among our leaders."
- Catharine R. Stimpson, University Professor and Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Science, New York University