“Courageous, venturesome, and thought-provoking. This book is a must-read for daring minds and sincere souls looking for the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth… Dr. John Andrew Morrow, a master of Islamic sciences for over three decades, provides a much-needed call to reconnect with the Qur’an as a book of love, and rethink Islam beyond forgeries and ill-intentioned misinterpretations.” Dr. Abla HasanAssociate Professor of Arabic, Nebraska University “Controversies in Islam by Dr. John Andrew Morrow is an exceptional book by an internationally acclaimed scholar of Islam whose meticulous research and phenomenal learning in areas of critical contemporary significance makes him one of the foremost Muslim thinkers of our times… The openness, honesty and courage with which Dr. Morrow has engaged in such a challenging task makes this book a rare accomplishment.” Dr. Riffat HassanProfessor Emerita, University of Louisville