<i>'A comprehensive index closes this overall impressive volume... all future studies in this field will be well advised to take advantage of the highly inspiring and thought-provoking articles collected in this volume.'</i><br /> --Manfred Stelzer, <i>ZOER (Journal of Public Law)</i><p><i>'This book is a research handbook on comparative constitutional law and contains a valuable compilation of articles on different aspects of this interesting topic. . . this is a valuable book that will assist those interested in putting the constitutional aspects of EU law in a wider comparative perspective. The extensive literature references included at the end of each article make the book a valuable starting point for those interested in a specific part of comparative constitutional law. At the same time many articles also provide relatively in-depth discussions of specific constitutional orders in itself.'</i><br /> --Nik de Boer, <i>Common Market Law Review</i></p>