[O]ffers extensive solid advice on the building blocks of that portfolio of rights, and as such, is an excellent resource for any publisher, agent, or attorney operating in the publishing sector ... I highly recommend this title, and consider it an essential addition to a Rights Licensing Bookshelf for all rights licensing practitioners.
Publishing Research Quarterly, Review of 11th edition
It is a true tour de force from key people in the publishing industry...<i>Clark’s</i> really is a truly indispensable work of reference for any publisher or literary agent who wishes to undertake their work in a professional and commercial manner for the benefit of all parties involved.
- Martin Woodhead, Review of the 9th edition
This authoritative and well-presented book is unreservedly recommended.
- Professor Charles Oppenheim, European Intellectual Property Review
more useful than ever...the extensive notes on the Precedents are the real gold dust...<i>Clark’s</i> is the voice of reason
- Jessica Kingsley, Review of the 9th edition
<i>Clark’s Publishing Agreements (9th edition)</i> is an indispensable work for all publishers and for many others who work in the publishing industry
- Linda Bennett, Founder of Gold Leaf and a Director of Salt Publishing, Review of the 9th edition
This book should be on every publisher's shelf
- The Bookseller, Review of a previous edition
The book's great strengths are its notes and commentary
- Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice, Review of a previous edition
superb...Another Herculean effort by Lynette Owen and her team
- Logos, Logos
Every word is priceless
Editing Matters