On the 27th of September 1968, the six EC Member States signed the Brussels Convention on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters. 50 years later, the European Court of Justice and the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg organised an international conference on the major developments, achievements and challenges of the European law of civil procedure. This book brings together contributions written by members of the Court of Justice of the European Union, established academics and young researchers reflecting on the Brussels Regime. It offers insights on the dialogue between the Court of Justice and national courts on the interpretation of the European law of civil procedure and how it shaped the Europeanisation of private international law. Beyond this assessment of the past, the book offers some reflections on the future architecture of the European law of civil procedure and the suitability of the Brussels regime to the challenges of the current era. This will be read with interest by academics, practitioners and policy-makers.
Les mer
Seminal Judgments (les Grands Arrets) in the Case Law of the European Court of Justice
Burkhard Hess
La confiance mutuelle, fondement et temoignage de la valeur de l’Union europeenne
Camelia Toader
De l’encadrement de l’ordre public procedural des Etats membres a l’ordre procedural autonome de l’Union
Marek Safjan et Dominik Dusterhaus
EU Private International Law: Consistency of the Scopes of Application and/or of the Solutions
Maciej Szpunar
Le « regime Bruxelles » dans le droit europeen de la procedure civile
Marta Requejo Isidro
The Shift from a Choice of Law-Centred Approach to a Civil Procedure Standpoint
Sabine Corneloup
The Contribution of ‘Brussels I’ to the Process of EU Integration: a True Trailblazer for the Europeanization and Constitutionalization of Private International Law
Johan Meeusen
The Application of the European Law of Civil Procedure in the Dialogue Between the CJEU and the National Judges
Henrik Saugmandsgaard Oe
The Dialogue on the European Law of Civil Procedure between the Court of Justice and National Courts from a German Perspective
Wolfgang Hau
European Civil Procedure and the Dialogue between National Courts and the European Court of Justice
Xandra Kramer & Jos Hoevenaars
L’autonomie procedurale dans la jurisprudence de la Cour de justice de l’Union europeenne – Reflexions naives d’un Huron au Palais du Kirchberg
Loic Cadiet
La Charte des droits fondamentaux et les nouvelles frontieres de l’autonomie procedurale des Etats membres L’exemple du droit europeen de la procedure civile
Michail Vilaras
The Brussels Convention: 50 Years of Contribution to European Integration
Fausto Pocar
Delendum est Forum Delicti? Towards the Jurisdictional Protection of the Alleged Victim in Cross-Border Torts
Etienne Farnoux
CJEU Case-Law and Forum Connexitatis: an Analysis of the Close Connection Criterion
Lucilla Galanti
Cross-border Collective Redress and the Jurisdictional Regime: Horizontal vs Sectoral Approach
Cinzia Peraro
Your Place? Mine? Or Theirs? A Legal and Policy-orientated Analysis of Jurisdiction in Cross-Border Collective Redress
Stephanie Law
Representative (Consumer) Collective Redress Decisions in the EU: Free Movement or Public Policy Obstacles?
Janek Tomasz Nowak
Casting the Net: Has the Court of Justice’s Approach to Online Torts Made the Brussels Framework Fit for the Internet Age?
Tobias Lutzi
Encoding Justice: A Quest for Facilitating Access to Justice by e-Handling of Cross-Border Litigation. The Example of the European Uniform Procedures
Elena Alina Ontanu
Trust, but Verify. Loss of Mutual Trust as a Ground for Non-Recognition in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. Example of the Judiciary Crisis in Poland
Zuzanna Witek
Les mer
Landmark publication with expert assessment by leading judges and scholars on the Brussels Regime over its first half century. Topics discussed include enforcement of judgments, collective redress, cross-border torts and procedural questions.
Les mer
Celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Brussels Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters
864 gr
234 mm
156 mm
U, 05
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